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Welcome to My Tarot and Oracle Blog

Vesta's Art Tarot Deck Large Celtic Cross Variation .... With Positions highlighted... this makes a great overview reading in different areas of your life Today  18th September, 2018 ..  I look back on my posts, my thoughts and opinions, Videos from YouTube I have shared and recommended... this site has grown from a Blog to offer my services, share the Decks I developed, My E-book and My art (now on it's own Blog ...  I know I decided to create a Welcome Page on my Blog instead of using this Post ... as I realized Posts seem to disappear after awhile in what seems the archives and may not always be accessed... Alot of the posts I have created are now linked by going through the appropriate page ... on the Side navigation, linked so they can be easily accessed...  Hope you have enjoyed the information I have shared relating to tarot, oracle, Lenormand etc ... If you are wanting to Have a reading or Healing session with me, please contact me by Email,  DM on Twitt

Ichabod's Guide .. with The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Tarot

  1- FOREST: What am I trying to navigate?  2-TREES: What is distracting me?  3-DARKNESS: What prevents me from seeing my way out?  4-LANTERN: Where can I draw hope to find my way out?  5-GUIDE: What must I address before I can move ahead with my purpose?  6-TRAIL: Once I've done that, what's the most useful next step?  1- 10 of Pentacles  2- The Hanged Man 3- Knight of Wands  4-5 of Swords  5-The Lovers  6- Queen of Swords  .. My Quick Thoughts  I am trying to navigate my finances, tree of life so to speak with all the paths that may cross as I try to make my way forward ... A sense of wealth, abundance within my family, home and security in life ...  I may be distracted with trying to see things from different perspectives instead of from understanding of the facts ..  I may be prevented from seeing my way out because of the way I rush through things,   my own passions, desires, maybe some one who is passionate, fiery stops me from seeing a way forward..   I can draw hope fro

Wheel of the Year Reading August 2024

  The Sun .  A month of Choosing a sense of fresh starts, renewal... a new day ... Surrendering to the happiness one can choose in one's day, Path, journey ...  Finding joy, peace with all the small things in life ...  This video shares a reading as I  dive further into what The Sun could mean over the month of August .. 

Wheel of the Year Reading July 2024

  Do not know why  but forgot to add it here ...   July, 2024 ...  The Wheel   (Wheel of Fortune)   Good fortune,  Life's ups and downs.. Destiny, Fate ... 

Astrology Zodiac Spread alternative

  1. Aries- Employ pioneering Spirit  3 of Cups- Expansion of feeling through Celebrating life after some trials..  2. Taurus-Create a Structure King of Cups- Dream builder, Put Emotions to one side, kind and caring energy  3. Gemini- Search for Exchange  The Hanged Man - Alternative perspectives, Sacrifice 4. Cancer-Respect your feelings  King of Swords- Logical, analyze, deep think Communicate clearly 5. Leo-Release the power of your heart 3 of Swords- expand the mind, deal with challenges.  6. Virgo= /harvest the crop  10 of Wands- Push ahead, bring wholeness, complete the process.  7.Libra-Enjoy your time Page of Wands- Drive, motivation, enthusiasm without experience . 8-Scorpio- Heal the Wounds The Sun- Happiness, joy, peace, contentment, new day.. (Leo energy)  9- Sagittarius- Find a new meaning  Justice- Equilibrium, balance, weigh the scales of the truth, action cause consequences.  10-Capricorn- Perceive Success  The Moon- Face fear, understand your unconscious thoughts,  Ack



Astrology and Tarot Another resource

  Wands 2 3 4       Aries      Emperor               5 6 7        Leo         Strength              8 9 10       Sagittarius Temperance  Swords  2 3 4      Libra     Justice                5 6 7      Aquarius  Star                8 9 10    Gemini Lovers  Cups     2 3 4        Cancer      Chariot               5 6 7        Scorpio      Death               8 9 10      Pisces        Moon  Coins    2 3 4        Capricorn   Devil               5 6 7        Taurus        Hierophant              8 9 10       Virgo          Hermit  BY TAROTORACLE ...   

Expanding on The Planets

 Jupiter- Need to expand, abundance and wisdom. Belief and philosophies in life. Excess  Mars- The way we assert ourselves, what drives us, powers our activities and energies  Mercury- Intellectual, express ideas, connected to siblings and relationships with them The Moon- Emotional nature Influences our nurturing needs. How we relate to others.  Neptune- Humanity, Compassion, fantasy and reality.  Pluto- transformation, points us in the direction we experience regeneration, how we can achieve it ...  Saturn- Controls our ambition, Accept or don't accept responsibilities? Forces us to take stock of assets and liabilities. Uranus- Loves original, unconventional energies.  Venus- Intimate relationships, choices we make. Influences decisions needed to be made ,,,  Elements Fire- Creative, vitality, drive, passion, excitement, entertain  Earth- Routine, the law, savings, tradition, building, legacy  Air- Intellect, ideas, thoughts, explain, discussion Water- love, emotions, anger, symp