Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

There are many ways to read this Spread.. Trust in how you choose to read it .
This is one variation ... 

Let us begin  by looking at the centre card 1) The Rider- News .. there is some news on it's way, what type of News, let's see what the other cards say, to modify the card related to the News... 
We look to the Left and we see Letter - so we know the news may be written .. To the right A Woman - is the written news from a woman or to the woman?  
Above The Stars - maybe it is Spiritual  News on some level ... 
Underneath -The Bear- Could be related to a Mother or are you the Mother... Is the news in regards to strength or protection on some level ?  
Now let's look at the four corners- 
The Scythe  With the Rider and the Road  So maybe it is important you let go of something so you can make a decision in regards to the news?  
You have Key Rider and Clover ... The News may be the key to some Good fortune .... 

Let us look at the Outer cards ..
Cross, Snake, Tree 
Maybe This talks about some pain  in regards to some trouble in regards to health ... 
Dog, Bouquet, Mice 
Friendship  grows less in regards to someone ... 

Cross Rider Mice 
Bad  news that something has the need to leave

Dog Rider Tree 
Trustworthy news  arrives ... 

Remember these are some of the concepts used for these cards in Lenormand .. My decision to use these meanings allow me to answer a client's query quickly and with clarity. These are how the cards answer me when I ask a question ... I went through and set each concept for each card on a flash card and now use those specific meanings in a reading ... 
You may have other meanings for these cards ... 

Blessed Be! 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


My Thoughts re the Word Fortune