
Showing posts from June, 2022

Questions Related to Tarot

  Not  great questions to ask the Tarot ..  Will I/ We  get married? What will my future spouse be like ?  Will we reconcile ?  How does he/she feel about me?  When will I achieve results?  Should I do this?  How does he/ she./ they react to me doing this?  Will I get  the job?  Will I pass the exam?  Yes and No Questions does not give you full answers with the cards  Timing questions that start with When will ..something happen?  does not allow for action to be taken..  G reat  questions to ask The Tarot .. What can I do to improve my journey? finances?, wellbeing? health? career?  What does Spirit, The Universe need me to know?   What do I need to know re Love?  How can I improve my relationship with my current partner? with my children? family? co- worker? Boss? etc What is hidden from view that is of value to me right now? Why do I react this way?  How Can I create wellbeing...

TdM The Fool

 The Fool  Visconti Sforza  Innocence, , auspicious start of new adventures and opportunities, enthusiastic willingness to make a fool of oneself to reach one's Higher Self.  Spanish Tarot  New beginnings, spontaneity, folly  The Fool is telling you to listen to your wiser self, and to think carefully before making any move. He reminds you that a thoughtless action will inhibit your progress. He suggests that you should develop a sense of purpose and not allow yourself to become hesitant and indecisive. He says you may well be at the beginning of a new and important project, in which case you must prepare the ground very thoroughly, and make certain that you see every aspect of your present situation clearly and with a calm, resolute mind.  Tarot  Uranus Air  Nothing can harm you, whatever you do! Take a risk. The start of a new chapter in life. Expect the unexpected, unconventional people could enter your life.