
Showing posts from February, 2025

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune

Fortune  1- Chance or luck as an arbitrary force affecting human affairs.  Synonyms: chance, accident, coincidence, serendipity, twist of fate, destiny, fortuity, providence, freak, hazard....  For me when we speak of fortune Teller, this is someone who speaks of someone's wealth, prosperity in all aspects of life, this is someone who uses Cards or some other divination tool to speak of sone's fate, destiny in regard to someone's fortune. What hazards lie ahead, what is of chance in one's life, the accidents, the coincidences of one's path. The serendipity and freaky things that have happened, is happening or could happen on one's journey.  Yes, it can speak of money and riches, abundance and bounty when someone has fortune in their life, good luck can also be emotional richness, Spiritual richness, intellectual richness and even the troubles, the bad luck, the things that do not seem to go the right way, it comes in many ways to our lives.  Fortune Tellers is n...


  TAROT  Adult Erotic Tarot Angel Angel tarot Angel Angel tarot Angel Angel Tarot Animal Meraki Tarot Animal Animal Wisdom Tarot Animal New Zealand Naturally Tarot Animal Tarot Familiar Animal Cats Rule the Earth Tarot Animal The Original Dog Tarot: Divine the Canine Mind! (Original Pet Tarot) Animal Tasty Tarot Animal Black Cats Tarot astrology The Moon And Star Tarot astrology Lunar Tarot Culture Vintage Japanese Tarot Culture Universal Celtic Tarot Culture Tarot of Cleopatra Culture Maori Tattoo Tarot Culture Native American Tarot Culture Tarot of the Divine Culture Elemental Wisdom Tarot Culture The Magical Nordic Tarot Culture Dark Goddess Tarot Culture Primordial tarot Culture Maori Deities Tarot Culture Motherpeace Tarot Culture Steampunk Tarot Mini Culture The Hoodoo Tarot Culture Manga Tarot Culture Santa Muerte Tarot Culture Silver Witchcraft Tarot Culture Chinese Tarot Culture Victorian Steampunk Taro...