My Thoughts re the Word Fortune

  1. 1.
    chance or luck as an arbitrary force affecting human affairs.

    "some malicious act of fortune keeps them separate"

    synonyms:chanceaccidentcoincidenceserendipity, twist of fate, destinyfortuityprovidencefreakhazard

    Googled the word Fortune .... this is the first  meaning of this word ...

    For me when we speak of a Fortune Teller, someone who read's someone's Fortune this is what comes to my mind, my thoughts...Someone who uses cards to speak of someone's destiny, fate. what hazards lie ahead, what is of chance in one's life. the accidents, the coincidences of one's life, the serendipity and freaky things that happen on one's path ...

    Yes It can also speak of money, and riches in one's life. Abundance and bounty but when someone has fortune in their life, Good luck can also be emotional richness, Spiritual Richness, Intellectual richness and an overall physical, material richness on one's path. Fortune can cover many areas of one's life even the troubles, the bad luck, the things that do not seem to go the right way.  It comes in many ways to our lives....

    Fortune Tellers can use many different tools to gather information to assist on one's journey.
    Crystal Ball
    Cards-Tarot, Oracle, Cartomancy, Lenormand
    Psychometric tools
    Tea leaves/ Coffee Grounds
     and so much more ....

    Personal thoughts re Fortune.... 


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