Fairy Lights Tarot

This deck is not what I expected at all., I didn't see the cards before I purchased them I put them in my hand with another deck and allowed myself to breathe, take a breath and feel the energy....
and decided this deck would work for me ... Wow when I opened and shared the deck with someone....  Carol from Batika Imports  (Emerson Street, Napier ) Clothing and jewelry Batik styled .. Love the energy of the shop.. we talked for awhile .....  as we looked at the imagery together..
I love this deck and can't wait to start working with them in readings ....

Fairy Lights Tarot... Let us begin with Card: XIII Death  ---  Transformation, changes, things may feel like they are ending but it only because something new and exciting is waiting to bloom, waiting to arrive once the past has dissipated, dissolved, Letting the true self emerge from the darkness into the light...
Looking at this card I see there is a darkness surrounding the situation  but with communication, clear speaking, the possibility of growth is available to you at this time ... things may seem stagnant, dehydrated... but things are always changing, Transforming at all time, even when they seem to stand still...

From the Book:
Amid poppies of rebirth and fireflies of enlightenment. Death proclaims its eternal and beautiful mystery. Do not cling to things that no longer serve you, but release them with gratefulness.



Today 7 Swords + 6 Swords Flipped out of the deck together

These cards are not traditional in imagery so for me makes the meanings quite unique ..

7 Swords, we see a person in a boat sailing towards something, away from somewhere... a sense of leaving behind someplace or something or even maybe someone.. this is a mental thing... a thought...
but the water represents emotion.. so we know this thought is actually quite emotional at this time  ....  Swords also represent plans, ideas, intuition... a sense of needing some clarification, some clarity at this time ...
7 to me also gives me a sense of looking at what is of inner value at this time?

Taking something that is not yours will never lead to success. Protect yourself against thieves and maintain your own honour as well...
(I actually find that meaning quite limiting.. I feel this card lends it self to a wider meaning when looking at the imagery ).... Needing to take those words not literally but symbolic.... and look at the perception of what has been taken ..maybe not physically but mentally...

6 Swords- we see 3 fairy like creatures hovering about the water  a light appears to move, swirl on top of the water  the water appear grey, dark, like a sense of shadows  appearing from deep within .... The dark blue of the Forest to me feels like are we seeing the truth of the situation... working with our third eye ... Indigo - Sodalite (crystal - provides direction of purpose, lightness of heart, brings self trust, truthfulness in emotions, allow one to verbalize how one truly feels.... brings a knowing to one's thoughts. Eliminates confusion)
This card gives me a feeling of a shift in our thoughts, ideas, plans and in the way we use our intuition... A sense of bringing harmony to our mental state at this time ...

It is not weakness to know when retreat is the best course. Take some time and space for yourself, even if others do not understand why...
(This does make sense on so many levels ... as a part of the whole picture ...)

For me these cards are reminding me that sometimes our perceptions are that only our perceptions and it may be important to take some time to re look at the whole situation and get back your own power... your own truth stands within you ....Within ME!  ....  It is up to me in what I think... ...


1) Who is he?
IV Emperor
A mature Man, a Father, He seems like he is in control of his world, he likes rules and seems authoritative in all of the aspects of  his life. He has a spiritual aspect to him, but is also logical, practical in his daily life.  I feel he is quite earthy, a guy who loves the outdoors.  a sense of passion arises from within him ...

From the Book:-
He stands upon the stone of authority, proclaiming his right to rule and to command. Others look to him for leadership and place their trust in him ...

2) Who is She? 
II The High Priestess 
A Woman- young at heart, loves the Mystery, the Occult, Magick.. She sees what is hidden, she can reveal the truth. She uses her tools wisely to learn what needs to be discovered. She reveals who she is in her sexuality...

From the Book:-
She sits upon a throne of tree roots, drawing her power from the Earth and dispensing it with generous love. She rules the World with loving kindness and respect for nature's beauty.

3)Bringing Them together?
4 Cups 
Missing pieces of the puzzle fit together,... being handed to them on a silver platter, ready to be grabbed with both hands. Sorrow, restlessness brings them together.

From The Book:-
There has been a sense of restlessness, dissatisfaction with the past/ present situation. It is hard to find a comfortable place to stop and be content.

I feel with this reading more will be revealed overtime ... but this is interesting when you look at a reading done with the Goth Tarot 
Together they begin to tell a story interesting I think... 



I struggle with some of the meanings within the book only because I think the author only gives us such a simple short one thought meaning... when I know the colours, the characters, the symbols add such depth to each card ...
We look at each card as individuals then together ... 

V The Hierophant 
He is traditional in is ways, maybe a bit old school. a Teacher, a mentor of the old ways... Spirituality, of faith.  He may find a time of being a student, learning new things .. To become a Teacher or Mentor one must always be learning, gathering knowledge .. Beliefs change over time, they develop within one's culture, one's upbringing, one's development within one's pathway. 

VI The Lovers
This card speaks of Romance, love, a  union, partnership, relationship, balance, passion..., duality. 
This card can speak of a marriage between two intimate people  , but a marriage can be  symbolic in a union of any sort.  it can seem that people are married to their work, to their addiction, to their interest. 

1 Pentacles
This card speaks of potential, the possibility of huge potential if only instead of thinking about it action is taken physically.  This card relates to Health, wealth and security, Home included. 
To new pathways taken in a physical sense.  

Overall  these cards speak of someone who is A Mentor, always learning  with a sense of Passion within life , maybe a union with another lies ahead  but only if the thinking becomes one of action to realize the full potential of what is possible.  


XIX The Sun
This card speaks of Freedom, Vulnerability, warmth from someone, the sun shining on the situation, showing good fortune, This card for me also shows a sense of Spirituality, spiritual energy by working with the lower Chakras - The Base, The Sacral and the Solar Plexus. 

XXI The World
Farewell, End of a Cycle, Things coming to an end.. Being an expert but always learning on many levels.

3 Wands
For me this card speaks of Moving forward, with hopes and dreams, listening to the whispers of Hope from the Ancestors.  Being Ambitious in life.

Overall Today is a day to think about the sun that is shining, spending time outside, feel the warmth and freedom of this moment as you leave the old behind.. you acknowledge the end of a cycle ready to start again to move forward with hopes and dreams as you hear the whispers from  Ancestors, Guides... Towards your ambitions, and goals ....


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

How I Connect With The Cards...

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