Tarot and Oracle Card Spreads


There are many different Spreads I have discovered over time. Here are a few I have discovered to share with you.
Can use Them with all sorts of Divination Tools...

TEMPLATES You can download and used (Word Doc so you can print them off and use... (May be ok on PC) 

To begin your Tarot Journey ....
Each day begin your day with a question and a thought... Choose a topic  who want more information about ....
Love, Self, with a partner, a friend, family .... relationships, intimate or a relationship  with  others...  career, work, job,  friends, luck, social, family... 

What do I need to know about.............................. (Add the topic)? 
How can I improve myself within ........................... (Add the topic)? 
Which choice is the best for me within..................... (Add the topic)? 
What would happen if I choose choice A? or Choice B?   

Now draw one card from the deck, take your pen and write in your journal or add to a word doc.  what that card means re the question.....  

Or If you want to ask - Which card should I study today? 
Draw a card and write down everything you can about the card?  

After a week or so then draw two cards per day?  and write down what these cards mean to the question..... 

Then Do a Three card spread... Past, present and future or read the three cards as one sentence related to the question..... See below for ideas for larger spreads with specific ideas in mind .... 

Small Spreads for Starting off to Learn Tarot/Oracle 

Learning what you can about a single card ...

Looking how two cards can create a sentence  with the Heavenly Host Tarot 

How three cards can be used in a reading ... 

Look at each card individually        Card 1 looks at the Past. 2 at the present and 3 as the possible        then put them together as one                                                          future.                                                sentence in the present , The Now! 


This spread used three different decks from the same theme.... 
Tarot and Oracle decks to gather insight into a question..

This Spread looks and inner influences and outer influences and how they connect overall ... This spread  can be 8 or 13 cards .....

Eight of Swords Spread 
Click link for more details ...

Large Spreads 

This is one variation of the Celtic Cross ... as there are many versions of the position meanings ....

This spread in three parts is What I call the "Life Path Spread"  it includes the Astrology aspects of your journey, looking at your Birthdate, your Sun sign , influences of the Planets.....

Larger Spreads, (advanced Learning) 

Looks at the Cycle as four aspects of life ..... 
Winter - looks at things that are stagnant in your journey 
Spring- looks of things as they germinate and grow... 
Summer- can look at things that are fiery, heated up, passionate.. Creative energy...
Autumn (Fall) looks at things that are decaying, dying and nearing their ending ... 
While the Centre  looks at the Heart of the Reading overall... 

Grand Tableau (mainly used in Lenormand Readings .... ) 
One version ... 
Normally 9 cards across with the last four at the bottom ...


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

How I Connect With The Cards...

The Starman Tarot ...
