Solar Plexus Ready to Digest Life...

HeKate's Xing Crystal and Chakra Healing Oracle

Solar PlexusReady to Digest Life...

This speaks of being healthy, in eating, nutrition but also speaking about how you react to situations on your journey.. How do you choose to react to things as they occur?  When someone speaks rudely or is difficult, do you respond i the same up or with understanding that maybe they have had a difficult day and needs to be treated with kindness and understanding.. Treating others as you would like to be treated....
When you focus on the yellow in the card feel yoursslf being successful,. When you can see yourself as being successful you see others in the same light in all they do. You believe and have faith  in others as you do for yourself....
See Yourself Being All That You Are, changes the way you react to situations, Y0u are responsible for those choices you make.... 

Personal Power, abition, intellect, astral force, desire and emotions based on intellect and touch.
Protective energy against negativity....
Vitalizes the stomach, liver, gall bladder, sympathetic nervous system, pancreas and adrenal glands-

Yellow- Meditative analytical thought and intellectual activity.  


P.S.  This deck can be downloaded as a set for yourself to use ... 


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