Why Do Readers Read Cards Differently?

Each Deck is so Different ..

There are many different Tarot decks designed by many different amazing individuals… Every deck is perfect in it’s own way… Some images speak louder than others, that is because we as readers are all very different, we are individuals that like and are drawn to different artwork… Also our thoughts processors are individualized.  Our perceptions are individualized.  No one sees the same image in the same card. Different colours, characters, symbols stand out for each of us.
That is why you will find different Tarot readers deliver the same messages in a different way.  And sometimes it can take awhile to make sense of a reading.. We as Tarot Readers have to interpret what we see… With our experiences in life so different from each other we interpret things quite differently…
I understand there are suggestions in how we read Tarot and there are basic keywords ,  trying to memorise what someone else sees can drive one crazy… I find what works for one reader might not work for another…. The keywords are starting points, stepping stones… there becomes a stage in a Reader’s journey when suddenly they jump into the unknown and a new depth of a card is interpreted  within… SO even though we have Keywords we also have further understanding of a card… You may also find a reader will include Astrology, Cabbala, The Elements, Numerology, Zodiac, Correspondences from different areas of Philosophy, The Occult and more… There are associations from Gods and Goddesses. Crystals, Plants and so much more… so your readings can change as you learn new information, as you  look at a card, read for different Querants…. Things evolve… change, transform.

I tried writing up info for each card in all the different decks, and I find each deck is so different, The Basic Keywords are the same but then the image carries different colours, different symbols, characters, their actions, faces.. what they wear…. So then the depth of the reading changes, the words are different overall… and for each client (Querant) what stands out when reading for one client is completely different for another so no two readings are the same even if a same card turns up in a reading…. 
Then it depends on what the others cards are, the context of the reading too can make a difference.
So for me personally I find it very hard to write general meanings for cards… I prefer to wait until a Card is in full play…

Blessed Be!

Motherpeace Tarot 

Crow's Magick Tarot 

Rider Waite Smith Tarot 


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