9 card Square Lenormand Spread

Deck :Mystical Lenormand
Spread:  9 card Lenormand Spread

This as a learning exercise we will begin to look at each card as individuals then we will look at the combinations and how things relate to each other... Look at the cards yourself and see what messages you get as well .. Would be interesting to see how each of us see the cards... 

1) The Birds.
Mental chatter, gossip, their song (music ) 
2) Ship 
Overseas,. foreign, movement, travel, holiday.  
Distance - long time... 
Free spirit
3) Ring-
 union, commitment, a circle   
4) Cross-
Faith, belief, destiny, 
5) Scythe 
Cutting away, removing, harvest 
 Closed Book,  New chapter in life,  Sacred Writings, Reading 
7) Moon
Unconscious, fears, Seer, psychic, reflection 
8) Clover
Good Luck, need to be looking to find it, 
9) Anchor, 
Grounded, stay put, 

are some of things that relate to these cards as individuals ... 

I will come back to finish this .... (sorry)   


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune