Belline Oracle

It is 5am on a Tuesday morning, wide awake and this is the deck I choose for a 3 card spread ...

Copy of Reading for  this 3 card spread

Deck :Belline Oracle
Spread:  3 card spread

 LWB Notes

Passions, awakening new motives for areas of life , eg work, career, friendships, etc..

31 Passions
Traditional image of this card is included in the description ....

Here we see two hearts, pierced by arrows, above a rooster. The rooster symbolizes pride and alertness, just like how the rooster crows when it sees the sun in the morning. The hearts pierced by arrows symbolizes passions unleashed when the desire remains unfulfilled. Hence, this card represents living life intensely and impulsively, much like a daredevil. This is the only card in the Venus series that carries 
both positive and negative meanings as intense passion without thought (impulsiveness) can lead to excess and dangers. For instance, the client can be extremely passionate with his career that he ends up leading an unbalanced life and neglects his family..

LWB Notes

Birth- giving birth to something new. Time of nurturing as things come into fruition... progress is slow  but worth it overall

 4 Nativity
The most apparent symbol on this card is an astrological chart with the 12 signs of the zodiac, the Sun and the Moon. It’s very reminiscent of how a birth chart was drawn for a baby that was just born. Hence, this card represents new beginnings…and since this card falls under the Sun series, it is mostly positive beginnings such as a new project at work, a new relationship etc

LWB Notes

Water- emotions, flowing, cleansing ..... Drink more water. thirsty for knowledge

15 Water
Water can be positive or negative depending on the situation. Here we see a boat floating on wavy waters. On a symbolic level, water can represent emotions and the ship represents our ability to “navigate” through different emotional states. Emotions are also something that’s not easily seen so this card warns us of the illusion that things may not be as they seem. On a literal level, this card can represent travel (think Ship card in the Lenormand), or even a flood.


My Thoughts and Opinions

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How I Connect With The Cards...


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