What is SEC?


Soul Energy Clearing 

Dear Honoured Soul,

This Soul Energy Clearing (SEC) session can be a very powerful process of researching and eliminating discordant programs (beliefs) and energies from your past.  It usually has a profound and wonderful effect on most people.  Many mental, emotional, physical and soul healings have resulted within 6 months of the session. However, some people do not seem to be helped on an observable level as quickly as some others.

I believe this person may have deep conscious habit patterns that have to be changed before positive outer changes and results can be experienced.  Thus, it could be some time before you see a change. Often others notice changes within us long before we are aware of them.

I cannot change your conscious mind or your habit patterns. Some people expect me to wave a magic wand for them and everything in their life will be absolutely marvelous.  I wish that this were true.  Sometimes it works that way and sometimes it does not.

Changing conscious habits, negative thinking, and actions is your responsibility and doing so can create miracles in your life when it is coupled with this clearing that I facilitate for you. Remember that this life is our lesson and sometimes a soul picks very challenging lessons to learn.  No one tells us what lessons we are to experience, that is our personal and individual choice.  We have free will.

The major problem is that we forget this and start blaming everyone and everything around us for our problems.  It is important to understand that we made choices and it is now necessary and important that we make new and better choices. You are the captain of your ship and you are the only one responsible for your life.

When the discordant energies are cleared and dissolved, only the wisdom and knowledge gained from that experience remains.  These negative energies cannot rebuild unless you build more of the same negative energy patterns by strong negative thoughts and emotions or repeated bad habits. As we peel back the many layers of our “onion”, other negative issues may surface.  If you feel you need help from me in clearing these new issues, please call me for another appointment. 

I believe we are in this world to promote love, gratitude and peace.   I will do my part in facilitating the clearing of your past of negativity and you can do your part with your positive thoughts, feelings and words.

I believe we are diamonds in the rough.  As we clear and clean each facet of our diamond, we allow more of our beautiful light to shine through every moment of every day giving permission for others to do the same……………

With Love, Gratitude and Blessings,

Paula Devine
SEC Practioner…..
Dynamic Holistic Healing Facilitator
Subtle Body Therapies.
 HeKate's Crossing 


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