What is UB?

What is Universal Balance 

Universal Balancing & Universal Link

eCourse Descriptions

Universal Balancing (UB) and Universal Link (ULink) are creations born in New Zealand in
2007 and use the latest highest level vibrations that now exist to assist in balancing the body,
mind, and soul. We prefer to use the term balancing rather than healing as healing implies having
a disease with all the negativity attached to that term. We believe all is in divine order however;
sometimes we may be out of balance.

These hands off modalities are similar to older energy healing methods however; they stand alone
due to their higher level of vibration. Both UB and ULink can be done in person or long distance.
Communication is achieved via telephone, email or mail prior to the session for instructions and
after the session to compare experiences.

After experiencing UB and ULink, people can feel happier and healthier. Often there are
noticeable changes in attitude as well as physical health. Each soul only needs to be ULinked

Universal Balancing

While lying down in a peaceful environment without any disturbances for 20-30 minutes, a
practitioner holds their hands above a person’s body (or a representation of the person’s body if
done long distance) and sends the UB energy through the whole body to allow balance in the
person’s mind, body and soul.

Recipients of the UB energy have stated after a session that they feel calmer, are in better control
of their life and feel healthier among many other life enhancing affects. Balancing on all levels is
often achieved with UB.

People receive a UB session for greater health and happiness; to tune up their body so to speak.
Often people receive from 1 to 3 UB sessions to raise their vibrations in preparation for the ULink


Angel Tarot                     Angels of Atlantis

Archangel Uriel, 

whose name means ‘Light of God’, brings divine light intoour lives as he transforms painful memories and restores peace to our past.
He helps turn our worst disappointments into our greatest blessings. Uriel
assists us in releasing forgiveness and resentment. Uriel assists in anchoring
us in love that is strong enough to withstand negativity.

The great harmonizer and balancer of substance, Uriel keeps the Universal
Law of Order and Harmony born within and between each body. He gives
us the energy to act in the present time and through this helps us discover
our true potential.

Archangel Uriel is the guardian angel of Universal Balancing and
Universal Link.

UB sessions raise your vibrations to the highest level and will continue after the session in order to
achieve harmony in your mind, body and soul. This can be life-altering!

The Power of One – Unified LoveFacilitator + Soul + Universe Source1+1+1

Universal Balancing

General Information

Namaste – The divinity and light within me honours the divinity and light within you……..

Word definitions:
1) God = Universe, Spirit, Source, Divine, Buddha, etc.
What is the difference between God and good? O or zero… Nothing!
Let go and let God.
2) Healing means balancing as we are always in a state of evolving. The term
balancing is preferred as it does not imply being diseased.

Each of the three sides of this process is important but the most crucial component is the facilitator.
Without the facilitator being at the highest vibration, the best outcome will not be realised.
Therefore, it is paramount to Universal Balancing (UB) and Universal Link (ULink) that emphasis
is on the facilitator’s life, belief, attitude and intentions.

The level of vibration of the facilitator intensifies the energy interaction. The balancing reflects the
level of vibration that flows through the facilitator. Therefore, it is extremely important that the
facilitator remains at their highest level which is in a pure state of love, detachment, happiness,
gratefulness, knowingness and being.

With a sense of humour, too, since laughter is the best medicine. It is best to wear a smile and make
people laugh. ‘Angels fly because they take themselves lightly!’

Being in a state of love heals the body and allows the energy to flow.
Gratitude begets more things to be grateful for!
Confidence, trust and knowingness are essential in keeping your vibration at the highest.
Create and live in an environment that feeds your heart and soul.

EGO – Edging God Out

Leave the ego out of the room and hopefully out of most of your life. We all have an ego which helps
us in our sealed bubbles as individualised expressions of Spirit. Our ego is our own individual
perception so that we can evolve and learn the difference.

The facilitator does not do the healing! We are asking for the Universe to balance this individual
so therefore we are interacting with something that is perfect. Ask and ye shall receive. If we try to
alter, add to, or improve this perfection we will interfere.

Ask and know that it is done. It’s the other soul’s responsibility to move forward. During the
balancing, the blocks/interferences were removed to allow the person to be responsible. It is then
their choice. Facilitators have no control or responsibility for anything that happens after the
session. Remember ‘Actions Reveal Self’.

Learn to BE – being is freedom from doing…….Don’t do, just be

Other Soul

UB links the individual with the perfection of the Universe to release and remove blocks to their
perfection. The other soul may have certain ideas and expectations that may or may not manifest in
their time frame.

Assure them that all is in divine time according to their free will and what needs to be balanced. It can take up to 6 months to see big changes but the changing continues if the person allows.
The Universe knows what is needed for that person. The challenge lies in that what they need may
not always correspond with what they want. It is best if they accept the balancing energies and
whatever comes from it. Attachment to an outcome can cause interference with the results. They
may not be aware of the greatness that the Universe can offer them.

Remind them that trusting, allowing and detaching are to their highest good and will facilitate their
best outcome.

Example: If the person has an expectation to clear a certain ailment and it still exists after a few UB
sessions, they may think it didn’t ‘work’. However, within a few months they have created a healthier
life (since balancing removes blocks) and then the ailment disappears. They will not associate the
healing to the UB session. That is fine – as long as they are happier and healthier. It all works in
divine time through many paths according to their free will.

Why people remain out of balance:

Their belief that healing comes from outside of them.
Their belief that certain diseases or illnesses can never be cured.
Their illness serves a purpose in one way or other.
Their life lesson/experience is not complete.


In long distance sessions ask the person to lie down in a quiet undisturbed place.

In person:

Comfortable for both souls in all areas – colours, smells, visual, etc.
When the facilitator is the most comfortable, the highest vibration can be accessed.
Since this is an experience of a lifetime for the other soul, the most relaxed they can
be will create the best possible receptive state to receive the balancing.
Keep the healing table at a comfortable height with plenty of room to walk around it.
Natural lighting is best or wall lighting with a dimmer.

No fragrances or sounds to allow the other soul to experience their own.
Dress comfortably with no noisy jewellery or clothes that would drape over the other soul.
Only the facilitator and the other soul can be present in the room unless the other soul is a
minor child requiring a parent.

By email: 
Instruct them to find a quiet place where they can recline uninterrupted for 30
After the session, you can share experiences and the UB & Universal Link (ULink)
Consultation letter via email or mail.

If this session is in preparation for the ULink, explain there may be a need to have
between 1 to 3 UB sessions to prepare the body for the highest vibrations. It’s not a
necessity but highly recommended. Ask Spirit to determine how many sessions are

The ULink should be done within 30 days of the last UB session. If not, Spirit will
need to determine at the time of the ULink if another UB session is needed to ready
the body.

Universal Balancing
Session Instructions

1. Ask them to just be with no preconceived ideas and accept anything they think
or feel. Just Be.

2. Ask them to notice effortlessly what they feel if they wish to talk about it after
the session is completed. No need for anything more. Spirit works simply.

After the UB Session:

1) Advise them to slowly open their eyes and re-enter the physical realm. If in person,
offer them another glass of water when they are ready.

2) Describe what you experienced during the session. Write down everything in a journal

Services Readings and Healings 


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