What is ULINK?

What is Universal Link

Universal Link (ULink) raises your vibrations and permanently links you to the
Universe to help you live the life of your dreams. You only need to ULinked once!
A sense of calmness, knowingness and better decision making prevails when we
are in close union with the Universe. ULink eliminates any blocks to having a quiet
mind to hear the sacred inner voice which is the wisdom of the ages. The ULink can
be completed within 20-30 minutes in person or long distance via the telephone,
email or mail.

1) Clear out the negativity stored in the energy fields using these highest
level vibrations.

2) Re-activate the basic 9 energy vortexes (chakras) including the 2
vortexes that have been shut down for ages. The first vortex connects us
to the universal vibration which aids us in our intuition, our ability to be
telepathic, and our true sense of being. The second vortex helps us to
feel a sense of unity and beauty with all things physical.

3) Re-activate meridian lines, energy points and re-calibrate DNA to
enhance health and wellbeing. These have become muddied over time
and need to be cleared and re-linked.

Universal Link
Energy Vortexes

Ages ago a disconnection/separation from our original energy connection to the Universe
occurred. It’s been written about in most ancient cultures. Somehow we ‘fell’ from grace.
This limited our ability to access the Divine.

Our physical body originally had 9 basic energy vortexes (chakras) but 2 were shut down
perhaps for an experiment to see how mankind would survive without them.

The first vortex to be re-activated is at the base of the skull. This portal connects us to
the universal vibration which aids us in our intuition, our ability to be telepathic, and our
true sense of being. It completes the triad of vortexes on our head….the crown, the
forehead (third eye) and the base of the skull. Once this vortex is re-activated, we will feel
more synchronized with the universal frequencies and be able to have better clarity and
knowingness in what is to our highest good.

The second vortex to be re-activated is near the thymus gland under the breast bone.
This portal connects us to the divinity in the physical world. Once this vortex is reactivated,
we will see the natural beauty and feel a sense of unity with all things physical.
We were meant to have all 9 basic energy vortexes working in order to be all that we can
be. It is now time to re-activate all vortexes, meridian lines, etc in all energy bodies to the
highest level of vibration to be happier, healthier and enhance our wellbeing.

As the earth and we evolve, new levels of energy frequency occur and it will keep
increasing. This is why it is important to be educated in the latest highest frequency
modalities or at least the techniques that continually are updated with the latest vibrations.
Eventually the 100th Monkey Theory will occur and all will be done on earth as it is in

It is now time in our evolution for the restructuring of the DNA, re-calibration of our
chromosomes and our relinking to the Universe on a newest vibrational level. (See
Universal Link DNA Information).

DNA Information
All life follows a divine blueprint that we have labeled DNA. Science has
discovered the first two physical strands of the DNA blueprint. It has been defined
as the double helix building block of all life. There are five other double helix
pairs in the DNA system. The six pairs of strands are called the 12-strand spiritual

In the 12-strand system, the first pair is physical and the other five pairs of strands
are non-physical energy imprints in the human energy field. The six pairs of DNA
double-helix strands have the following roles in our lives.

1st Pair: governs the creation of all aspects of our physical body. It controls our
genetic patterning, our physical body, our predisposition to certain health
conditions, our aging process, our metabolism and much more.

2nd Pair: governs our emotional body. It creates and controls our genetic
emotional profile as well as our predisposition to certain emotional conditions. For
example, it governs our EQ (our Emotional Intelligence), determines whether we
will be a type A or a type B personality and determines whether we will be
introverted or extroverted.

3rd Pair: governs our mental body. It controls our genetic mental profile and
determines whether our mental energy be directed toward logical, linear, rational
thinking (as in a scientist or an engineer) or toward the intuitive, artistic
expression. Furthermore, it controls whether we will be primarily optimistic or

4th Pair: governs our soul. It controls our karmic patterning and our genetic soul

Karmic patterning refers to the karmic pre-conditioning that we have brought into
this lifetime to work with and master. Specifically it includes karmic wounds,
issues or lessons that were not resolved or completed in past lifetime experiences
and which will re-manifest in this lifetime to give us an opportunity to resolve them.
Genetic soul profile governs our soul’s mission. It determines what archetypal
pattern we will have. For example, are we destined to be a leader, healer, builder,
teacher, student, parent, etc? Furthermore, it contains a profile of the experiences
we are to have, the wisdom we are to develop, the spiritual strengths we are to
master, the service we are to provide to others and the path we are to take to find
pure joy.

5th Pair: governs our soul cluster and controls the movement and timing of
specific souls within a soul cluster to seek and find each other to the mutual
fulfillment of their soul’s purpose.

6th Pair: governs all of creation and aligns our 12-strand DNA with divine will.
There are two more sets of 12-strand DNA (total of 36-strands of DNA) that exist
in higher frequencies. Universal Link will expand, empower and re-calibrate all
36-strands of DNA as well as removing all energy blocks to this process
(maximum of 9 energy blocks).

Our original genetic blueprint was designed to have much more than just one
double helix, and we've operated in this diminished capacity until recently. The full
complement of chromosomal strands was disconnected thousands of years ago
by way of genetic modification. Scientists are very much aware of the extra or
"latent" strands which they call "junk" DNA.

The Universal Link supports the release of toxins, strengthens our immune
system, enhances our intuition and knowingness.

15 January 2004 – Russian DNA Discoveries
The human DNA is a biological internet. The latest Russian scientific research directly or
indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of
healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual
masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more.

In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced
and reprogrammed by words and energy frequencies without cutting out and replacing single
genes. Only 10% of our DNA is being used for building proteins and this is the subset of DNA
that is of interest to western researchers and is being examined and categorized. The other
90% are considered ‘junk DNA’.

The Russian researchers, however, convinced that nature was not dumb, joined linguists and
geneticists in a venture to explore those 90% of ‘junk DNA’. Their results, findings and
conclusions indicate that our DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but
also serves as data storage and always in communication. The Russian linguists found that the
genetic code, especially in the apparently useless 90%, follows the same rules as all our human

They compared the rules of syntax (the way in which words are put together to form sentences),
semantics (the study of meaning in language) and the basic rules of grammar. They found that
the alkalines of our DNA follow a regular grammar and do have set rules just like our
languages. So human languages are a reflection of our inherent DNA – not a coincidence.
Thus, it is normal and natural for human language to affect DNA! Living DNA substance (in
living tissue, not in vitro) will always react to language, laser rays, radio waves, and energy if
the proper frequencies are used.

While western researchers were physically cutting and inserting single genes, Russian research
groups focused on devices using radio and light frequencies to influence cellular metabolism
and proving that x-ray damaged chromosomes can be repaired without physical intervention.
They even captured patterns of a particular DNA and transmitted it to another, thus
reprogramming cells to another DNA. They were able to transform frog embryos into
salamander embryos with this method!

All this by simply applying vibration instead of archaic cutting out procedures!! Spiritual teachers
have known for ages that our body is programmable by language and words which is energy
and vibration. Now this has been proven and explained scientifically.

Of course the frequency has to be exact. This is why not everybody is equally successful or can
do it with always the same strength. The individual must work on the inner processes, their ego
and maturity in order to establish a conscious communication with the DNA. Buyers beware
when working with practitioners…know and feel that this person can do what they claim.
The higher developed an individual’s consciousness determines their ability to bridge the gap or
have hyper communication that goes out of the bounds of space and time as we know it. Stress
or ego can prevent successful hyper communication and result in the information being totally
distorted or useless. Nature has experienced this form of communication successfully for eons.
Humans know it in a much more subtle level as ‘intuition’. Thankfully, we can regain full use of
this communication!
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15 January 2004 – Russian DNA Discoveries (cont’d)
When a queen ant is spatially separated from her colony, building still continues fervently
and according to plan. If the queen is killed, however, all work ceases in the colony. No
ant knows what to do. Apparently, the queen sends the ‘building plans’ from far away via
the group consciousness of her subjects. She can be as far away as she wants as long
as she is alive.

In humans, hyper communication is most often experienced when one gains access to
information that is outside of one’s knowledge base and is defined as intuition or inspiration.


Giuseppe Tartini dreamt one night that a devil sat at his bedside playing the violin. The
next morning, Tartini was able to note down the piece exactly from memory and called it
‘The Devil’s Sonata’.

Russian scientists witnessed phantom DNA effect when they removed DNA from a certain area
and the wave pattern from the now removed DNA still was in effect. When humans experience
hyper communication, we often notice that certain electronic devices don’t work while we are
present and continue dysfunctioning until a later time. When the effect wears off, the devices
start working again. This person was good at hyper communication.

Many of us have experienced moments of hyper communication. However, to develop
individually, humans had to forget hyper communication almost completely. Now that we are
fairly well developed in our individual consciousness, we can create a new form of group
consciousness, namely one in which we attain access to all information via our DNA without
being forced or remotely controlled about what to do with that information.

Like the internet, our DNA can feed data into the network, can download information from the
network and connect with other participants in the network. Hence, remote healing, sensing,
telepathy, etc can be explained. Animals do this most of the time. Animals sense danger and
take flight before the physical manifestation of disaster. An example is the Tsunami of 2004
where 99% of the animals were safe while thousands of humans died. Many animals sense
their owners return and go to the door minutes before their physical arrival. This behaviour can
now be explained by hyper communication and group consciousness.

Any collective consciousness cannot be sensibly used over any period of time without a
distinctive individuality. Otherwise, we would revert to a primitive herd instinct that is easily

Hyper communication in the new millennium means something quite different. Researchers
think that if humans with full individuality would regain group consciousness, they would have a
god-like power to create, alter and shape things on Earth! And humanity is collectively moving
toward this.

Weather has often been affected by groups using group consciousness such as tribes who
perform rain dances.

Some of the above information came from the translation of the book ‘Vernetzte Intelligenz’ by
von Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf, www.fosar-bludorf.com by Vitae Bergman.

In person and long distance

Universal Link (ULink) sessions are very similar except

the telephone, email or mail is used to communicate for long distance sessions. All
sessions need to be conducted where the person can lie down on a flat pillow, face up
with eyes closed in a quiet atmosphere with no interruptions for 30 minutes.

After the ULink session: These steps will be taken ....
1)You will be advised the  ULink session is over.by Email ...

2) Advise them to slowly open their eyes and re-enter the physical realm. If in
person, offer them another glass of water when they are ready.

3) Ask for a description of what they felt or sensed during the session. Answer
any questions.

4) Since their vibration is now at the highest, inform them they are now able to
use the UB energy within 24 hours to heal themselves and others.

5) If in person, demonstrate how they can access the UB energy to heal
themselves and others by asking Spirit to activate the UB energy. They can
rub their hands together if they feel so inclined.

They may sense heat, cold, tingling, etc. in the palms of their hands. It can
be different but most feel heat and tingling. It will become more intense by
the end of 24 hours.

6) Since intention is what matters, instruct them to use a physical
representation such as a teddy bear, drawing or doll to focus the energy
when people are not present.

Remind them energy is everywhere because the grid of energy encircles
the earth.

7) Give them the UB & ULink Consultation letter (given in UB class) to read
later. Ask them to contact you with any questions and to notice the changes
within 6 months!

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