Updated Posts from Instagram

These Posts I have created  for Instagram  ... for reference ... see which Cards you are drawn to  .. the message may apply at this moment for you  ... '
Assorted Decks - 
Shadowscape, Renaissance, Lover's Path
Ghosts and Spirits, Coffee tarot,  Enchanted tarot Ultimate, Tarot of Dreams 

Tarot of Spirit 
Do not worry about what you can not control, 
There are other choices waiting for you...
As new adventures await you ...

Experimental Tarot ... 
Potential of new action taken , when one releases the stress to the Universe...
Bringing a sense of practical application for health and wealth...

Frideborg Tarot 

As you  decide on what action to take , release all worry to the Universe...
Listen to the advice shared... Passion created by a lust for life...

Ghosts and Spirits tarot 
Be careful of being Chained to the Past as an unsavory character arrives... time to see the 
clarity of the situation as you acknowledge the need to learn something new ... 

Inner World Tarot 
The Potential is huge, but you must have faith  as things begin to move rather quickly ...

Instant Ideas tarot 
Get straight to the point to avoid discord which may cause a defensive attitude to the discussion...

Lover's Path Tarot 
Being Inspired to have Hope in one's journey  brings  truth to the situation ...

Maat tarot 
A cheater creates a situation of mental games,  bringing a burden to the journey 
Knowing a need to communicate brings things rapidly through the situation... 

Motherpeace Tarot 
Clarity arrives as new partnerships begin as you say farewell to the old life ...

Numerical Tarot 
Speaks of Travel, movement forward,, manifesting reality ...
Do not worry about spilled milk....there are too many other wonderful things to focus on,..

Reflections Tarot 
Gifts and Harmony arrive,  slow and steady movement as you become aware of what you are juggling at this time .... 

Renaissance Tarot 
Moderation is required as you release the worry, the stress- ask for help, as you awake with a new sense of motivation to take a few steps forward...

Shadowscape Tarot 
Observation before moving forward.... brings kindness to self as you acknowledge a sense of Betrayal, a loss of some sort, heartache ..

Tarot of Dreams 
Everything happening behind the scene as you bring a sense of creative passion  into acknowledging the potential for new possibilities ....

tarot of Mercedes...
Battles, challenges as you create your reality to a sense of Victory ...
Juggling too much at once, knowing you need to say farewell to an end of an era ... needing strength for what lies ahead ....
The truth revealed, as you need to look at all angles as you are dealing with a sense of betrayal ...

Pamela, Coleman  Tarot 
 End of an Era .... be practical with health and wealth and things happen behind the scenes ... 

Enchanted Tarot Ultimate 
Recognized for skills , brings the opening to new possibilities as you say goodbye to the old ..

Grunge Tarot 
Lovers United...   as the destiny seems so close.. there may be time for a moment of observation... passions arise within ... 

The Key Deck .... 
Wheel of Fortune - Destiny or fate 
The Sun- Vulnerabilities, freedom, sun shining 
The Tower- Wobbly, shaky, walls crumbling, enlightenment ...

Page of Coins- Healthy life, youthful attitude to material needs 
9 of Swords- stress, worry, anxiety .. release to the Universe 
The Tower- Realizing potential to new possibilities once the wall crumbles. 

RWS Fractal Tarot (I created used Gimp- for fun) 
Crossroads, needing to stay grounded, rewards received from using skills ...

RWS Tarot 
Unsavory character,  something taken needing to be returned.. 
Dipping toes instead of going full hog ....  kindness ...
A deep thinker, a man who is logical and practical with his mind ... A Supervisor...

Spiro tarot 
Secrets Revealed., things happen behind the scenes and the need to celebrate .... 

The Coffee tarot -  (see Tarot review for details on ordering own set) 
Torn between being a Mothering hen and being sexual  with a Man who is kind, thoughtful, a deep Thinker .... 
Bring a sense of practical action to the situation,  to move forward , make a decision, manifest your reality with your skills, abilities 

The Coffee tarot 
 Torn between being a Mothering hen and being sexual  with a Man who is kind, thoughtful, a deep Thinker .... 

Acelectic Tarot- Third Act...
Be careful about rushing ahead without a plan, as there are too many choices at this time ... striving to reach clarity .... 

Toni Allen tarot 
At a crossroads, remember it is up to you to create your own abundance, my manifesting your reality with your skills and by the tools you use at this time ... 

Abstract Tarot 
Awakening to a new day after a sense of darkness.... 
Vulnerabilities revealed..... A Man of Passion,  who has a lust for life arrives
bring a sense of changes within your journey.... There is a change of direction .... 

Angel Reading 
Templar Tarot 
The Hermit speaks of Solitude 
Archangel Michael (Angels of Atlantis)- reminds us he is around us if only we can ask 
Indigo Angels - asks us to surrender, be freedom in our choices ....  

Celestial Tarot 
Dreams may be prophetic at this time , as you are being asked to take back your power by a sense of giving unconditionally to others ... 

Chaos tarot 
Manifest reality, look beyond the illusion... A union is created .... as healing takes place to create abundance and nurturing on many levels ... 

Universal fractal Tarot 
Clarity  within the truth brings hope ... 

Assorted Decks  see The Images .... 

Quantum tarot Version 2.0
What are you juggling at this time as you say goodbye to something you are able to manifest reality by using skills and tools ... 

Quantum Tarot 
Rule, take control .. Fatherhood arrives 
Youthful action in regards to health and finances ..
Time to see the truth and nurture with clarity ... 

Soto Tarot 
Nurture with Creative passion to stop feeling melancholy at this time, you are being recognized for the skills you do have .... 

The One World Tarot 
Conflict of the mind .... as you are at a crossroads .... acknowledge the potential of wealth and health 
if you can change your youthful attitude ...

Alfreda Tarot 
Thinking needed , as transformations take place ... releasing the over indulgence into moderation ...

Alchemist Tarot 
suppressed, bound by choices of the mind , maybe feeling a little sadness at this time, be careful of the addictions we have to past habits .... repeated patterns , break those chains ... 

Assorted Tarot  see the images .... 

Second Wind Tarot 
Look beyond the illusion... as you have hope  to see the truth the logic
 in the foundations made at this time ....

Tarot of Fire 
A union, a family created as you take what is ripe at this time ... be careful of the many choices that are laid out in front of you, not all are good choices to take ...

Tarot of Sacred Sites 
News arrive, but be careful of what you are putting away for a rainy day... there may be a need to give unconditionally - Give without expecting anything in return .... 

Tree Tarot 
Looking at all options, things from a new viewpoint enables one to remember what was clearly without a crooked viewpoint  and with reflection, contemplation decide upon the direction to be taken ..

Tarot in a Matchbox 
8 of Coins 
using your skills for profit, for rewards is necessary at this time 

Traditional tarot 
Temperance - Moderation
 Queen of Swords- nurture truth
  Hanged Man- new perspectives, The Emperor- Fatherhood, authority, control of life,
 Queen of Cups, Nurturing The Soul, caring, emotional needs nurtured 

Opera tarot 
Using one's strength, giving unconditionally allows one to celebrate ...

Orphalese Ten Deck 
Take time out ...
Giving without a thought for anything in return allows all to come out of the cold, to overcome the challenges and the struggles of life in general ...

Assorted Decks ...

tarot of Mercedes ...

tarot of Magicians 

Old Cardboard Tarot 

Old Time Tarot 

Universal Linking Mandala Oracle Deck
This deck I created from my Art
This spread I used in 3 parts .... 
The Gypsy Spread   Past present and future in 7 Topics 
Covering Work, friends, family, love, state of affairs (health), plans & Ideas,Luck/Unlucky

Family and Love ... 

ULM Part One .... 
Work , 

Vaudeville tarot 
This man looks at the past nostalgically but realizes he must use his practical thoughts to strategise..
as things are revealed in regards to betrayal  as two choices are need to be made in regards to love ...


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune