Goddess Oracle

I love working with this deck and felt a page dedicated to this was more beneficial with the great info available ......

Really I should introduce this deck ...
Goddess Oracle ..
A set of cards with art that represents Goddesses from around the world, connecting many different Pantheons. Each Goddess shares with us a Keyword, a meaning of Divination, a Ritual that brings awareness, answers to an aspect of our journey... The artwork are incredible , the inspiration from the guidebook are beautifully written  (see Links below for more details about the artist and the author of this deck ...) 

Today 13th August, 2018
Lady of the Beasts 
Relationship   .... 
From the Guidebook ...

Are you in a relationship that presses all your buttons, brings up all your issues, leaves you feeling like a "woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown"? If both (or all) of you are committed to doing the work, willing to accept your pieces, your responsibility, this could be a gold mine. Perhaps you are in an abusive relationship, one that keeps hurting and hurting with no redeeming factors or one in which your partner is not looking at issues. This could be the time to gather your strength, lick your wounds, and move on. Perhaps better communication or acceptance could help your relationship. If you are contemplating a relationship, this is the time to open and engage. Lady of Beasts says the dance of relationship is the fast trace to evolving consciousness and personal power. It is joyful, painful, frustrating, exhilarating, annihilating, and completely worth it.

Check out http://www.amysophia.com/ for details re The Goddess Oracle .... 
And the Artist ....http://www.hranajanto.com/  re the artwork ....


 These are Four of the Goddesses.....    The Back of the cards .... 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune