When Reading Tarot and Something Stops you

I have been thinking about this for while and trying to decide what to write about ... This is such a huge subject..... so much could be included here but I wanted to keep it very simple and thought about.. When you feel you can not read for someone, Why? 

Why do you feel you can not read for someone? 
Is there something about there energy that you find a block,  something stopping you from connecting?
Does this come from you? or do you think it may come from the Querant?

Are you feeling off? Are you picking up something you do not like? Is the Querant not being honest? Trying to test you?  These are some thoughts that may go through your mind that stop you from reading someone... 

Maybe one step you can do is Take a Deep slow Breath, try to find your centre again, find balance and reconnection within self ....
Shuffle your cards and ask for guidance, for protection and love for both you and the Querant....
make sure there is no distractions, noise, children running around, phone ringing... maybe the Querant really is not ready for a reading - maybe if you offer Chakra Balancing, Reiki, Angel Healing  or something similar you could offer to do a few minutes to re-balance the Querant, maybe that will help with the connection....

If you really are struggling Reading for someone.. please do not offend the Querant....  You could say something like " Maybe at this time, I feel I am unable to offer you guidance with the cards, Is it possible you may have some things you may need to deal with first , or maybe I am just not the right person for you at this time, and you may need to find another Reader to offer you Guidance, I am so sorry. But feel I would not be able to offer the best information for you."   maybe the Querant needs to go to someone else for Guidance. Maybe they need to go to someone who offers Soul Healing on some level, or  Reiki, or some other Energy Healing, if that is not in your pocket at this time...

DO NOT: Blame the client for you not being able to read for them at this time.
DO NOT Tell the client that have toxic energy, negative energy or they are blocking you.
DO NOT Tell a client something that will give them fear and unrest. 
DO NOT Take away a Client's power...

Do Offer love and Hope
Do Offer suggestions with who may be able to help them
Do Offer Great Customer Service 

These are some thoughts and Ideas... remember if you are negative towards a client it does not take much for word of mouth to reach other potential clients .....


My Thoughts and Opinions

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