Reading Tarot feel exhausted, out of Sorts ....?

RWS- Nine of Swords
Stress- Worry ..
Surrender to the Universe 
Those things that have you worrying about...

Are you reading tarot for others online or face to face and find yourself feeling drained, tired, exhausted, sick, nauseous and out of sorts, unbalanced and don't know quite what to do with self?

Read on...  maybe some of these ideas will help...  Of course these are all optional ....

Before you begin reading, make sure you are balanced and aligned within self...
Chakra work on some level, Reiki, Angel Healing or anything you feel may help you....

Ask for protection and guidance throughout from a loving and protective source ...

Work with Crystals that keep you feeling protective and grounded if need be..

Light an incense and candles, use an oil burner (diffuser ) if you wish with oils that assist you in staying grounded ...and protected. 

Bach Flower Essence or other Flower Essences may help on some level also ...

Drink plenty of fluid- Water, herbal teas, etc... 

Make sure your cards are cleared of energy from a previous reading,  knocking three times on the cards and shuffling  them before use can assist ...  (Crystals and incense can also assist in this )

Working with Sound- Voice, Bell or Bowl, CD are all possible choices to clear the energy of past readings and prepare before a new one ... 

If you find yourself feeling exhausted, tired, our of sorts, and sick ... make sure you try to realign and balance your Chakras...  Through any of the above uses ...

Crystals, Incense, Bach Flowers, Flower Essences, Fluid, Sound can all assist you to find yourself grounded and clear of excess energy ...

Try Stamping your feet Three times or until you feel balanced  and sending the energy out for the Good of all as a purple ball that you have gathered between your hands ...

Try a long soak in Salts and oils.... a bath or a shower can help on some levels also ...

Leaving this energy within you can build until it feels almost impossible to remove this feeling. it can affect your daily life making it impossible to function normally ....

If you find this difficult to handle and finding it hard to clear, GET HELP !
Ask someone else to do some energy healing for you..... Re-connection is amazing .... Maybe Dimensional healing or Transcendental Healing .. Universal Balance after a Soul Energy Clearing .... may assist you ... Angelic Ray Healing, Reiki, Crystal healing, Blue Lotus are some of the Healing Modalities you may find beneficial ...   Could Try Shin Jujitsu ...  or any acupressure type Modality ...

But before you need any of that  please make sure you stay healthy within self if you are doing lots of Readings online or face to face .... YOU ARE NUMBER ONE and as Readers and Healers we sometimes forget that ....   


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