Tarot and Other Divination Practices..

Where and when do we begin?  

Medieval Scapini Tarot ...

There is so much controversy re Tarot, what is it, where did it begin, when?

Divination Practices have been around for eons, with casting of bones, reading the signs, omens  and the Oracle of Delphi ..... etc...  But Tarot ..

Europe as a card game, playing cards, there were many different types of playing card games from all over Europe...

There were games played with a variety of tools all over the world .....  which can now be used for Divination Practices....

Now Back to Tarot - Playing Card games were popular very early on in the fifteenth century and then a variety of decks handpainted were made to read with for Divination

To know more check out Wikipedia ...
The tarot (/ˈtær/; first known as trionfi and later as tarocchi, tarock and tarot) is a pack of playing cards, used from the mid-15th century in various parts of Europe to play games such as Italian tarocchini, French tarot and Austrian Königrufen. Many of these tarot card games are still played today. In the late 18th century, it began to be used in parallel for divination in the form of tarotology and cartomancy and specialist packs were developed for such occult purposes.
Like common playing cards, the tarot has four suits (which vary by region: French suits in Northern Europe, Latin suits in Southern Europe, and German suits in Central Europe). Each suit has 14 cards, ten pip cards numbering from one (or Ace) to ten and four face cards (KingQueenKnight, and Jack/Knave). In addition, the tarot has a separate 21-card trump suit and a single card known as the Fool. Depending on the game, the Fool may act as the top trump or may be played to avoid following suit.[1] These tarot cards, without occult symbology, are still used throughout much of Europe to play card games.
In English-speaking countries, where these games are not played, tarot cards are used primarily for divinatory purposes, usually using specially designed packs.[1] The cards are traced by some occult writers to ancient Egypt or the Kabbalah but there is no documented evidence of such origins or of the usage of tarot for divination before the 18th century.[1]"    An Introduction from Wikipedia ....

We know Divination and Oracles have been around for what seems forever with the different types we now use today, Runes, I-Ching, Ogham, Crystals, Scrying, Psychometry  and others ....

We have to remember the roots of Tarot and what they were originally used for, the original imagery was not filled with occult, esoteric meanings  it wasn't until

Occult tarot decks

 Etteilla was the first to issue a tarot deck specifically designed for occult purposes around 1789. In keeping with the misplaced belief that such cards were derived from the Book of Thoth,     Etteilla's tarot contained themes related to, Ancient Egypt...... (Taken from Wikipedia)

There is so much information  that for me to relay it here would enable me to ramble forever about Tarot and We certainly don't have that much time in our busy lifestyles,  so in your pace , at your own time .. take a look at some of the incredible sites that enable a brief history of Tarot ..... remember nothing is actually known for certain, as much of the past history can never be actually certain as stories are told and retold verbally and by artwork that is created from someone's perception .... We find translations words can be slightly altered which can change a meaning overall ...

Enjoy the journey and remember nothing is truly set in stone... even with tarot being predictive, things can change if you wish it to.... if you choose to take a different choice of action, things will take you on a new path ....
As with all oracles The path that lies ahead presumes you may make the choice it requires you to.... it may mean the path that lies ahead is one of fate not free will.... Up to you, your personal belief in how you react to this..... For me I know something's will eventually happen because of choices you have made, so even though it may seem as though it is free will, it is aspect of it that seems to be of fate ....  So do we truly make things happen because of a  shift in perception, or is fated that is exactly what you will do ? 

Some things to think about .... 

Also I think it is truly important to remember Modern Day tarot cards are created by an artist in her or his choice of style, media , design, artwork, the characters they use or symbols, colours,etc....
Once it has been created and been sent of to the printers, they are created into full sets and maybe boxed. A book is written - A Little White Book or a Coloured Companion Guide Book is added, written by an author and added to the set.. They may be sent to a retailer, someone who sells the deck for the author and artist.   How many people have now handled the ink and card, boxes etc?   If it has to be mailed to you, how many more touch the deck?  Purchase a second hand deck.... same aspect...  But it does not matter, because once you shuffle that deck, do the ritual that suits you, cleanse it with incense, crystals, knocking on it and shuffling or by the method of your choice.. the deck becomes YOURS..

Now it is up to you to learn Tarot for Divination, to understand the keywords, the meanings of each card.. or you may choose to further your study by learning to read intuitively .... you may decide to add other aspects to further enhance the study of tarot, totally up to you ...How you choose to read Tarot ..... There is no right or wrong method for learning Tarot, there are many styles of reading also... You decide what is right for you..... I only ask that you remember this is not something you master over night, you may become competent and able to read cards for others on a basic level, quite quickly but to really to understand the combination of the cards, how they go together and  read in large spreads can take some time ..... and to have confidence with predictions, Divination takes practice.... 

This Blog carries my Thoughts and opinions .... and I know not everyone will agree ....
Find what works for You.....as individuals our perceptions are individualized, unique to us .... 


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