Today's Lenormand

Wanted to continue exploring Lenormand on a more personal level for awhile .... so wanted to add this page to my Blog,

Today's Lenormand ...

26th February, 2019 

Mystical Lenormand ... 
Garden + Bouquet + Cross  

Garden speaks of a public gathering, a place that is public, open .... 
Bouquet talks of happiness, gift and beauty ... 
Cross can speak about Destiny.. can also speak of pain and grief ... needing to be strong and stay positive ...

Overall it can speak of a gathering that brings happiness on some level but there maybe a need a stay strong and stay positive in that respect ....

Garden + Bouquet speaks of an outdoor gathering....  a gathering that takes place outside ... 

Bouquet+ Cross Talks about counting your Blessings as things are not as bad as they seem ... 

There could be an outdoor event which is not as bad as it may first seem .....

I got while sitting here : "  Spend some time smelling the Roses... go outside and enjoy the day... Don't always seem to be in a hurry....Slow down for a moment and soak up the vibes....."


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune