My Birthday I was born 11th March, 1969 Life Path Card - 3 The Empress This card talks about Bounty, abundance, motherhood, always fussing about other people and forgetting about self.. My Life Lesson has been about taking care of Me, and it has taken me over 45 years to learn That Lesson .... .. 1969- The Year Card- 07 The Chariot - The year about Direction .. so Direction has been an important part of My Journey.. It is important that I do not rush but take my time, contemplate then decide in which Direction I must move, moving hastily and I lose Focus.... March - 03 So you can see why Motherhood has always been important part of my Journey ... Mothering has been a huge part.... 11 - Justice .... This card always talks about legalities.. so legal stuff has been a part of my journey too... Ohh yes it is a huge way in loads of different ways too ... Balance, communication, knowing that the right thing to do I...