
Showing posts from April, 2020

May- Card of The Month

5 of Swords  This card can speak of many things on different levels.. So for the month of May - What are possible meanings for this card? To me this card can speak of feeling defeated, finding self in a no win situation, even if I feel That I have won, will I feel satisfied, will it feel as though it has been successful? Will I suddenly feel  as though that no matter what I do,  I could never be successful, even if I win a battle will I actually win the war outright? IS this more about my environment? Does this relate more to the world in a sense?  In thoughts maybe it speaks of  What is happening around us, how does this make me feel during the month of May, This is going to be necessary for me to reflect upon on some level before I start June ... 

April card - Templar Tarot ...

April - Card of the Month  3 of Cups ---  This should be a month of celebration on some level. a chance to party or be with those of like- mind ... What can I celebrate during this time ... I know it is now the 9th of April before posting this card ... and we still have a couple of weeks staying inside, in lockdown .... Maybe this is a reminder to be grateful for what I do have during this time .. I am with My Mother and my daughter as well as her friend that is living with us.. so we have Three generations of Women within this household ...  maybe it speaks of the three Goddesses, Maiden, Mother and Crone that live together with space over this month ... acknowledge the beauty of appreciating each other at this time ... This seems most relevant to this card as I reflect, contemplate how my life is reflected in this card .. Is it me standing in the middle with the middle cup pouring liquid (emotions coming from within )  on one side the cup represents My Mo...