May- Card of The Month

5 of Swords 
This card can speak of many things on different levels..
So for the month of May -
What are possible meanings for this card?
To me this card can speak of feeling defeated, finding self
in a no win situation, even if I feel That I have won, will
I feel satisfied, will it feel as though it has been successful?
Will I suddenly feel  as though that no matter what I do,
 I could never be successful, even if I win a battle
will I actually win the war outright?

IS this more about my environment?
Does this relate more to the world in a sense? 
In thoughts maybe it speaks of 
What is happening around us, how does this make me feel
during the month of May, This is
going to be necessary for me to reflect upon
on some level before I start June ... 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune