April card - Templar Tarot ...

April - Card of the Month 
3 of Cups --- 

This should be a month of celebration on some level. a chance to party or be with those of like- mind ... What can I celebrate during this time ... I know it is now the 9th of April before posting this card ... and we still have a couple of weeks staying inside, in lockdown ....
Maybe this is a reminder to be grateful for what I do have during this time .. I am with My Mother and my daughter as well as her friend that is living with us.. so we have Three generations of Women within this household ...  maybe it speaks of the three Goddesses, Maiden, Mother and Crone that live together with space over this month ... acknowledge the beauty of appreciating each other at this time ...

This seems most relevant to this card as I reflect, contemplate how my life is reflected in this card ..

Is it me standing in the middle with the middle cup pouring liquid (emotions coming from within )  on one side the cup represents My Mother The one held high- not as more important but elder, The Crone within the family ) The lower held cup is my daughter representing the youngest in the lineage at this time ... the red dress reminds us of maintaining our energy at this time ... remembering to stay grounded ....

Shows all the cards in the spread .. and my thoughts re January

This as been a month  of being grateful for me personally.. I have had reason to celebrate, Like minded Souls on YouTube The Lives  have been absolutely a life saver  and yes it has been amazing to have my family with me at this time ..  The three Generation of Women ...  even though I have not seen my youngest or my eldest I am grateful they are safe and being taken care of at this time...
I have reason to celebrate that financially I feel I have been taken care of it, so emotionally I have not had to worry about those things during this difficult time.
Yes Energy has been important and at times have felt my energy wane... Have needed to find ways to take care of self on many levels in regards to my own health, also to stay grounded has been important.   This was insightful for me at this time ... 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune