Card of the Month-September

4 of Swords ..
 This card can speak of rest, recuperation, a sense of taking time out for self.. could be a sense of reflection, contemplation, review, thinking, planning... 

What does the month of September hold for me?  

UPDATE: 24th September, 2020

I found September to be a month of lots of new decks so I found myself reviewing what I have been doing with this blog and Tarot, so making new plans, thinking about what I could do with my YouTube Channel, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Posts - relooking at what I am doing in regards to the decks I am working with, studying etc... 

I took  plenty of self care time for me with binge watching tv series CSI -Miami and began watching Baywatch ...  

Overall this card reflected The Month of September 2020 for me  fully ... 


The Dream Oracle - there can be rest from strife, although further action may be required. Struggle is no longer necessary. 

The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Fortune Telling-There is light at the end of the tunnel, you may already see it, do not rush towards it. Think carefully about the moves you have to make to get there. Change  may be in the air, Don't Worry. Use it as a foundation stone for future plans and they will succeed. 

The Encyclopedia of Predictions- Rest, Recuperation, peace, serenity, relief from anxiety 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune