Astrology reading Cards with Gilded Tarot Royale ..

Astrology Reading cards and Gilded Tarot Royale in a spread to gain insight 
into the first four Houses of Astrology and My Sun Sign ... 
can be used with any of the Houses or Planets or any of the Sun Signs if you wish  ... 

1st House - What people see and their impressions of me? 
Six of Cups - maybe someone who is dreaming of the past, maybe someone who may be generous in their giving.  
2nd House- Assets, finances and things you value. 
The Star - This to me speaks of my abilities, my inner light, things that make my life shine from within .. 

3rd House- Potential to learn something ..and Your local neighbourhood. 
The Tower- shake things up, rebuild the way you desire. 

4th House- Your Home and The roots of your being 
The Fool - one of laughter, fun, relaxation, ready for adventures. Free spirited.  

Pisces  This energy is wistful, endlessly loving, compassionate and forgiving. 
It confuses and softens resolve.. 
Nine of Wands 
This card can speak of perseverance, not giving up, to keep going even when things seem difficult. 

These thoughts are quick  and in the moment,... and are subject to develop as I reflect on what these cards could mean ... 

I love the way these cards go together in this reading ... of course the Astrology reading cards can be used with any Tarot or Oracle deck  or maybe Lenormand, Kipper, Sibylla or Playing cards ..
No limit to possibilities of combinations of decks. 



My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


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