Today's Reflective Reading

 Today, with so much going on for myself and family wanted to take a moment to see what the cards thought  about what is  important for me right now?  

I did a video  for the journal  (see below ) for my initial Thoughts ...

And for this journal  will also include reference from the guidebook  for more reflection, contemplation , meditation etc  ... 

Native American Tarot ... 

Warrior Of Vessels.. this card also speaks of Freedom, seems directionless in his movement ahead... He is passive in action, Sensitive to outside influences, Quick to respond to others emotionally. Spiritual on many levels, Solitary, gentle, sensitive, sensual, Romantic, true love. 

Six of Shields- Give-Away Dance- Friendship, happiness, gift-giving, sharing of ourselves on many levels. Going Public, Party time. Meetings on different levels. Service to own beliefs, not forced but volunteered. 

Four of Shields- Silence- Looking within, inner peace, tranquility, Centering, Focusing, Meditation, Facing inner truth. The Oneness. 

Ten of Vessels -Happy family- Family First, Taking care of home, Contentment, security, Emotional security. Feeling in tune with others. 

Seven of Shields- Trail of Tears Growth through struggle, through hard work, mistakes. Ultimate success and gain. Learning through past mistakes. 

Native American Oracle 

Otter- Transformation - Dive into the healing waters of play and exploration to find new ways of being. 

Wolf-Struggle Challenges and struggles often remove things from our lives. They bestow gifts. 

Snake- Shed old skins -Renewal-Keep in mind the cycles of life and flow with them, changing and continually growing. 

Falcon- Success -Rise above petty concerns and focus on what is important.

Elk- Stamina- Do only what needs doing, carefully mete out your resources and keep moving until you've finished. 

This will take some  time  to reflect on this message ... 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune