Native American Astrology -August 23- September 22

 August 23- September 22

Harvest Moon 

Turtle Clan 

Grizzly (Brown Bear) 

Harvest Moon- Turning Point, Preparation, Gathering 
Turtle Clan- Grounding, Steady Progress, Solidity
Grizzly (Brown) Bear - Introspection, instinct, dreams, reflection, 
inner knowing, strength, nurturing, protection 
Message- " Whenever the way ahead is unclear, withdraw, attend to your spirit, and allow the way to unfold. " 

See Video for  more thoughts in regards to these cards .. and see what cards I drew for more information regarding the energy of this Moon Cycle, Harvest Moon ... 

Decks Used: 

Native American Tarot 

Spirit Animal Oracle 

Shamanic Medicine Cards

The Shaman's Oracle 

Will post video when uploaded to #YouTube 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...

Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

The Starman Tarot ...

Tarot of the Divine 12 month Spread

Ichabod's Guide .. with The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Tarot