Native American Astrology- September 23-October 23


Ducks Fly Moon- Synchronicity, Balance, Certainty 

Butterfly Clan - Mental Clarity, Awakening, Beauty 

Raven /Crow- Power, Organization, authority, gifts offered and received, respect, mischievousness 

Message-: All of life is a lesson. Learn the lessons, be smart and practice the right use of power. And Don't take yourself so seriously!" 

Check out This link in regards to the Crow and The Raven as Totem Animals ... 

Here we see From  Native American oracle 
Tepee  speaks of protection  ...  
The Ripeberries Moon from Spirit of the Wheel Meditation cards speaks of life lessons, victory and courage  ..
Native American Tarot  ... 
Two of Pipes, three of vessels, nine of Vessels and four of Blades ...  
together  speaks of balance within your energy,  growth, expansion with your skills, abilities, wishes nearing completion while the ability to  continue to look ahead ...   
There does appear to be some stability across the Energy, the physical body, the emotions and the mind ... during this  Moon Cycle  ... 

See My ramblings below in my video  


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune