Native American Astrology- October 24- November 23


Freeze Up Moon- Identity, Self-discovery, Vulnerability 
Frog Clan- Cleansing, Release, Healing 
Snake/Serpent- Renewal, primal knowledge, magic, secret power and ability, healing, cycles, connection 
Message- "Keep in mind the cycles of life and flow with them, changing and continually growing." 

For this Cycle  I used Native American Tarot and The Shaman's Oracle ... 
Here we find knowledge gained, things achieved before becoming complete through silence, reflection, contemplation we find victory after some struggles as we thread our path together ... finding a sense of inner light ... 

Here the cards speak of staying safe as we seek our own path, looking at the commitment we make to ourselves as we look beyond the illusion of what we actually see.  


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

How I Connect With The Cards...

WOTY Reading - January 2025

Angel Tarot by Travis McHenry

Deep Dive - The Hoodoo Tarot