Egyptian Astrology Sphinx

 This month- December 27th  (2021) - January 25th (2022) 

Sphinx - 

Auset Egyptian Oracle 
Sphinx- Silent Wisdom 

Dark Goddess Tarot 
Sphinx- Four of Earth 
A sense of Stability...

From Wellbeing - Almanac ... 
Sphinx speaks  of being like a chameleon, changing shape when necessary. 
The Sphinx can speak of  being mysterious, magical, even everyday events can be exciting. 
A guardian of treasure, intuitive skills for foretelling the future. 
Problem solving skills. Self-discipline, serious and discreet. 
Wise and shrewd mind, Making strategic choices. Organized, adaptable and discerning. 
Keeping feet on the ground will be important.  


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

How I Connect With The Cards...

WOTY Reading - January 2025

Angel Tarot by Travis McHenry

Deep Dive - The Hoodoo Tarot