Telluric Tarot
A New Arrival ... a Tarot deck created with Stones and Plants in mind.. following a similar path to RWS it also brings an uniqueness to tarot, combining the properties of Crystals and Plants this Tarot deck can also be used as an Oracle ... Lumeria Gold creates a deck with incredible beautiful water coloured imagery showcasing the details of Crystals and the plants that combine to make insightful, profound messages that can be used as a reflective tool, Divination and meditation, contemplation.. What was, what is and what could be? A deck I can not wait to explore .... Unboxing this deck I am very impressed with the imagery, the Guidebook and the messages.. Introduction Unboxing The deck Now let's dive deeper into each card Alexandrite & Apple A Balancing Act.. This card arrives to remind us to make sure we are not over committing ourselves.. Not trying to do too much at once .. making sure we are ab...