Cards of Time

Find the right moment ...

This deck explores moments of time in different ways ...  

There are Cards with Numbers, Sun Signs and Days of the Week 
plus  Times of Life and Alpha & Omega Cards ... 

Let us explore the cards and the guidebook  slowly over time  ... 

Today's Card 
You will start all over again ..
10 Days/ 10 Weeks
10 Hours 
(Depending on the Question asked within Time frame) 

With these cards you can choose to ask a question related to time within a specific Topic...  
Related to General, Job, relationship or creativity 
In general it feels as though there are some things that may enable me to start again,  start fresh on a different path...  a sense of opportunities arising on some level  ..  
So maybe within the next 10 weeks something will start  anew...  My path may take a different turn within the next  10 weeks ...  

Here we find a three card Spread from the Guidebook ..

Past, present, Future ... 

1) Present - it feels as though it is now about reflecting on what is instead of what was or what could be listening the the guidance trust being led in the right direction 
 .. 2) Past .. In the past  there was a perceived success in what I desire ... 
3) In the future it could speak of the next 11 weeks ..  
Things could happen quicker than thought. 

5 Card Spread..
1) Core Time to Question 
Sunday- 1 
2) Yin Energy  Friday 6
3) Yang Energy  11
4) Duration of Karmic task Thursday  5  
5) Conclusion .. 4 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune