Crystal Ally Cards- Soul Path Houses Spread

 Today diving into a spread using the Crystal Ally Cards - Evolution Edition. 

SPREAD: Soul Path Houses 

A 10 card spread that uses the Elements with Dharma and Karma for each Elemental House. 

Earth House
1- Dharma- Phenacite Initiation 
Crown & Soul Heart Chakras
Affirmation- " I now trust in all I have learned and make my own empowered Choices." 
Learnt to take responsibility for my experiences. My own choices and decisions. 

2- Karma- Nuumite- Reunion 
All Chakras 
Affirmation-" I perceive the Oneness beyond all division
Needing to cultivate What I have learnt and build the bridges between the two. Heal and find a way to understand what is ... 

Fire House
3-Dharma- Aquamarine- Release 
Throat Chakra 
Affirmation-" I joyfully release anything that no longer serves my highest good
Teaching others to let go, release what no longer serves them ..

4-Karma- Dioptase- Forgiveness 
Heart Chakra 
Afiirmation:" I release you from playing the role for me and I release myself from playing this role for you. We are now free.
Needing to learn forgiveness, not hold on to anger. 

Water House
5-Dharma-Chariote- Path of Service 
Third Eye & Crown Chakras 
Affirmation-"I am in service to the Light." 
Have learnt about Being in Service so may Mentor others in their Path of Service. 

6-Karma Apophyllite -Wisdom 
Third Eye & Crown Chakras 
Affirmation-" I make my choices based upon my wisdom from past experiences.
Wisdom gained by past experiences are repeated on this path. 

Wind House 
7-Dharma - Diamond- Transcendence 
All Chakras 
Affirmation-"I cultivate mastery by challenging myself to transcend difficulty.
It feels as thought there are aspects of my path I have mastered on some level,  it feels as though  I am able to Mentor others on similar paths. 

8-Karma Staurolite- Support 
Earth Heart & Root Chakras 
Affirmation- " I consciously receive support from all of my allies.
There may be struggles to receive support, ask for support from  others  to be able to cultivate Spiritual learning on some level. 

Storm House 
9- Dharma - Petrified Wood - Beginnings 
Earth Heart and Root Chakras 
Affirmation-" The roots of my experiences nourish me deeply.
To experience New beginnings is my motivator ... 

10-Karma- Smokey Quartz- Grounding 
Earth & Root Chakra 
Affirmation-" I ground my light into the Earth organism." 
This is all about being grounded in all that you Think, Feel, and do .. being grounded in the action taken, thoughts created and emotions.  Energetically grounded Spiritually so can have a clear mind .


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


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