
Showing posts from April, 2022

Sacred Path Cards

 By Jamie Sams .. This 44 card deck created by Jamie Sams shares the knowledge of the  Great Mystery... Shares the Teachings of the Peoples.  Connecting with card brings us teachings that enable us to discover own  Learning , our own path....  Today  04 Peyote Ceremony  New Abilities  When the people's spirit was broken,  When the Buffalo no longer roamed,  When all our lands were taken and  We no longer had a home.  The Water Bird's reflection Of the Universes within  Showed us new abilities And gave us hope again.  This card Teaches us about The Trail of Tears... Speaks of Curandero (healing) work.   Mescalito, the deity of of the Peyote and its Peyote Ceremony and when it arrived to People of the North.  In the image we see the Water Bird , the Totem of the Peyote Ceremony, Self-examination allows the Seeker to see those aspects of Self below the surface of physical reality, to discover universes of ...

Oracle of Visions Exploration

Card 20 Here we see someone blinded with a blindfold, she holds chains with various Religious symbols in her hands. To me,  this card speaks of being blinded to other's beliefs, faith, Spirituality.  Not being open to what others may think of religious practices.  FROM THE BOOK  Belief, Faith Faith must be enforced reason. When faith becomes blind it dies. . Are you following blindly what others believe?   As well as being blinded towards what others have faith in?  This may not only speak of religious beliefs but beliefs in many factors within your life..    

Crystal Divination

 There are many ways to cast crystals for Divination ..  Here are some suggestions for Crystal meanings for Divination ...  Clear Quartz- Clarification  Rose Quartz- reconciliation  Amethyst- transformation  Aventurine-Expansion  Blue Lace Agate- Harmonization  Hematite -Pre-ordination  Gold Tiger's Eye- Protection  Snowflake Obsidian - Illumination  Citrine- Inspiration  Red Jasper - Manifestation  Snow Quartz- Purification  Unakite-Unification  Extra  Sodalite- Communication Garnet - Prosperity Black Obsidian- Protection  Azurite- Insight Rhodonite-Abilities Bloodstone-Courage Petrified Wood--Beginnings  Methods For Crystal Divination  Choose 12 Crystals to use for Divination .. to put in a small bag ..  Decide how many you want to choose and randomly choose desired quantity. without looking from the bag . Taking those crystals and lay them out for a reading  or use the crystals to...

Divine Tea Time Inspiration Cards

 When I first looked at this deck  I  thought it was beautiful but was unsure how I would use it as an Oracle deck  ...  beautiful cards with recipes of herbal teas, plants, spices and fruits .,.. Today I begin exploration of this deck  ...  Olive Leaf tea  Refreshing  In yellow - Solar Plexus ... thinking it is about finding a sense of calmness with your digestive tract... find a way to calm the stomach  .. to find yourself feeling refreshed...   Peace and friendship is represented by the Olive Leaf ....  Needing to find peace within your life as you connect with new friends...

Wheel of the Year Spread- Card of the Month- April

  5 of Cups (RX)  What am I looking at emotionally?   How do I respond?  What do I focus on?