Crystal Divination

 There are many ways to cast crystals for Divination .. 

Here are some suggestions for Crystal meanings for Divination ... 

Clear Quartz- Clarification 

Rose Quartz- reconciliation 

Amethyst- transformation 


Blue Lace Agate- Harmonization 

Hematite -Pre-ordination 

Gold Tiger's Eye- Protection 

Snowflake Obsidian - Illumination 

Citrine- Inspiration 

Red Jasper - Manifestation 

Snow Quartz- Purification 



Sodalite- Communication

Garnet - Prosperity

Black Obsidian- Protection 

Azurite- Insight



Petrified Wood--Beginnings 

Methods For Crystal Divination 

Choose 12 Crystals to use for Divination .. to put in a small bag .. 

Decide how many you want to choose and randomly choose desired quantity. without looking from the bag . Taking those crystals and lay them out for a reading  or use the crystals to cast on a specific Casting Cloth.. 

These are the crystals I have chosen to use for Crystal Divination 
Expansion, Transformation, Courage, Harmonization, Inspiration, Clarification, 
Prosperity, Pre-ordination, Protection, Reconciliation, Illumination, Communication. , 


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