Mythic Oracle

 Spreads I looked at from the Guidebook ...

The Relationship Spread ...
1- Nature of Relationship Atlas,  Responsibility 
2-Lessons to be learned  Eros- desire
3-Hidden aspect of self other person reflects  Rhea, Protection 
4-How to bring harmony' Heracles Strength 
5-What is contributed by this relationship?  Athena Wisdom 

Archetype Spread
1-Current Archetype -Persus Courage
2-Personal Archetype Promethesus Sacrifice 
3-Interactive Archetype Themis natural Order
4-Needed to bring balance Pan nature 
5-Sacrifice- beliefs, fears, attitudes Artemis Purity 
6- Transformed Archetype. Athena Wisdom 

Cycle Spread
1- Current Cycle Orpheus Faith 
2-Phase of Cycle  Hermes Messages
3- Heart's desire Helen of Troy Beauty 
4-Lesson to be learned Perseus Courage 
5-Freedom to be gained Themus Natural Order 
6-New Beginning Prometheus  Sacrifice 

Here are some cards I drew for myself .. I have not posted cards everyday  even though my daily practice does include pulling a card for myself from  this deck at this time  .. 



Demeter .. 
Demeter arrives to speak of what we have already harvested into our lives.. This may speak about the effort you have made to achieve your goals. You are about to reap the rewards after all your hard work. It feels as though with the commitment you have made means that things are finally coming together the way you want them too ..  It may mean you may finally see the results you desire.. 

yaahh exciting .. it gives me hope and makes me smile to think that my path of the challenges I have overcome , the effort I have put in with Ko-Fi, my posts and videos across the board  are starting to pay off ...  It is so exciting to see what is happening... 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune