The New Mythic Tarot


Beginning to explore The New Mythic Tarot .. 

0 The Fool  
New beginnings , being cautious about what is happening..  Free Spirited Takes a risk...  
Eagle- the bird of Zeus, king of te Gods, who watches over the Fool as he prepares to plunge into the unknown. 
The cave from which the Fool emerges is the past, the dark and undifferentiated mass from which the beginning of a true sense of individuality is about to take form..
The goat's horns on the Fool's brow suggest, like the animal skins he wears, that he is like a young animal, driven into life by instinct, not yet conscious or possessed of understanding. 

1 The Magician 
using one's skills and abilities to look beyond the illusion .  to see the sleight of hand .. being untrustworthy 
The Cup represents the Cup of Fortune, particularly fortune in love, for Hermes is wise in the knowledge of the heart. 
The Caduceus is Hermes' wand of magic, entwined by two snakes which represent all opposites good and evil, make and female, dark and light. 
The Sword represents the cutting edge of the mind and its power, given to Hermes by his father Zeus. 
The Pentacle or coin marks Hermes as the god of sudden good luck and as the patron of merchants and businessmen. 

2- The High Priestess 
Secrets ., What is hidden?  Moon connection,  Sorcery, Ancient knowledge. 

3- The Empress
Beauty, Motherhood, Mother Figure, nurturer, caring for others., do not forget to take care of self .
The diadem of castles and towers which Demeter wears represents her rulership over the instinct to build secure homes in stone and wood, places of safety and peace. 
The waterfall suggests the flow of feeling and fertility of Demeter's world. She presides over the rites of marriage and blesses the fruits of its union.  
The necklace of twelve  stones symbolize the twelve signs of the zodiac. As ruler of nature, Demeter governs the orderly cycle of the seasons and the laws of the cosmos. 

4- The Emperor 
Fatherhood, father  figure, provider, ruler, in control, authority. 

5- The Hierophant 
Faith, beliefs, religious, Spiritual, teacher, mentor, Learning, education Institute. 

6- The Lovers 
Choices, partners, relationships, intense, passion,   creative. 


Today ( 29th May, 2022)  shuffled the whole deck and drew 

Five of Swords ..

For me it speaks of being in a no win situation ...   even if you feel like you have won it comes with consequences of your actions, with it's own challenges, and conflicts.. This could be about a disagreement,  a quarrel, a fight on some level .. 
 Some challenges with  an idea, a plan, a thought,, unable to communicate clearly what you want..   
Maybe this is about a bully, someone who is dominating and overbearing on some level..  they could be abusive, belittling, maybe not physical abuse but someone who plays mind games.  

This shows another perspective of this card , other layers within a reading ... 

This card shows Orestes, seated on the ground, facing Apollo, telling him his fate and his obligation to avenge his Father's death...

Acceptance of limitations, boundaries and confines of destiny. 
This card can remind us to face one's own limits, recognizing the life that needs to be lived within your on capabilities.. Maybe you have taken on too much, must swallow your pride and back off, honestly facing what is possible before moving forward,,,


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune