Page 2 October Study Deck - The Hoodoo Tarot

This week  I want to explore the Hoodoo Tarot and Sibyls Oraculum ... 

This is not about me wanting to practice Hoodoo  or Voodoo in any way  but to learn and understand different cultures ...out of respect for what is practiced by others in This World 

DAY ONE_-09/10/2020

The Hoodoo Tarot                       Sibyls Oraculum                      

Six of Coins,                                  Death                                         Defense 

XV  Miss Robinson                           Transformation                           Doubt 

V Bishop C.H. Mason                       Synthesis 

 XIV Father Simms 

Here we begin with Vid One ...

Let is explore the cards a bit more in depth  ... 

The Hoodoo Tarot                       Sibyls Oraculum                      

Six of Coins,                                  Death                                         Defense 

XV  Miss Robinson                           Transformation                           Doubt 

V Bishop C.H. Mason                       Synthesis 

 XIV Father Simms 

With the Hoodoo Tarot Let us begin with the Six of Coins ... 

We see hands holding what appears as money .. two dice showing a 2 and a 5 are on the table 

To me straight away I thought of gambling, a risk on some level let us see what the books speaks of ...

The Plant:  Four-leaf Clover  - Good luck, good fortune ... 

Some of the Keywords include Charitable giving, generosity , financial aid ... there are more layers to this card  ....  

XV Miss Robinson 

Plant: Belladonna, Hemlock 

This may talk about being in a situation that appears dangerous, unhealthy, addictions and in being obsessive.. to be aware of repeated patterns, bad habits.  Can also speak of others who are behaving badly in your life.  

V Bishop C.H. Mason 

Plant: Cedar, Mustard 

Trust in teachers, guides and elders. Learning or teaching others.  Speaks of unspoken Rules.... Group cohesion,  Traditions, Authority Leaders. 

XIV Father Simms 

Plant: Peavine

Review position regarding inquiry. Not always Black and White, Moderation, not always excess. Consider all options before making a decision.   

I want to read a little more into the plants and then look at the Sibyls Oraculum cards will update later... 

Sibyls Oraculum         

       Death   - A Core Issue Card 

It Speaks of its Key Symbols 

Gebel al-Mawta a.k.a. the Mountain of the Dead, at Siwa Oasis in Libya.. The hill contains several tombs that date from the 26th Dynasty and the Greco-Roman Periods of Kemet. It represents the perception by the living. The remains of bones and artifacts of the nobles buried there only signify their apparent end. 

It does go on to discuss the Religio-Mythological Association -Honorable Ancestors - and has a Commentary Speaking of Death as the end... There of course is more depth to the book as it elaborates in discussion re The source of our pain and longing is whatever we accepted to be accurate in relation to time and space.  etc ... 

In Further part in regards to this Card Death it asks specific Questions ..

E.g. Are you focused on how much more you could have received instead of how much you've already received?       

Do you believe you can lose what is truly yours? 

and there are more Questions asked...

I am not going to share everything here online  but will continue my study in my own journal .. and share my thoughts tomorrow when I continue with day 2 ... 



The Hoodoo Tarot 

X Aunt Caroline- Speaking about acceptance of the what is as you think of what could be 

This is a reminder that not all comes from our own thoughts, our own wishes but can be influenced by others on some level. 

Son of Sticks - about using one's own power to make the change needed in one's life 

Eight of Knives- Can speak of feeling trapped, restrained, cages in some way , not being able to make the changes one want too...  

Eight of Baskets- reminds us to find our own independence through our own choices we make from within 

Sibyls Oraclculum 

Rage, Justice, Confusion-  Confused by my own reaction but also confused why people act the way they do on some level, finding a sense of inner anger and wanting justice in some way ... 

Mysteries- Connection to my own Spirituality, to the knowledge that lies within ...

Optimism-  Trying to find a way to change my reaction to one that could be more positive. 

Transcendence- Moving away from the emotions that do not serve me well to find a better way to put those emotions into action... a sense of moving to a higher awareness.. 

Day Three   12/10/2020

The Hoodoo Tarot 

Ten of Baskets, Four of Sticks, Son of Sticks 

Overall this feels quite positive in it's moment , talking about everything coming together, a cause of celebration about using my own abilities to move ahead on my journey ... 

Sibyls Oraculum 

Accumulation - Appreciating what I have  

Rage -  Why do I feel anger? Rage?  What is this cause?  Something I must look deeper within... 

Thinking That as this is this time of the month, My irritability is something I may need to keep in check. 

Optimism - This is a reminder of staying positive, that things will be ok, Breathe deeply ... 

Aggression- This card could speak about staying focused on the goal, taking action  in the right way. 

Thinking about this further .. It may be because I suddenly got my MOON TIME  which is very irregular at this time and I find it frustrating on some level.. this may be a reminder to embrace this connection within myself ... 

DAY FOUR -13/10/2020

The Hoodoo Tarot ... 

Two of Sticks with Four of Baskets 

0 The Free Man with Seven of Baskets 

Seven of Knives with Five of Knives

Four of Coins with Ten of Knives ... 

Quick Message  - 

Feeling out of sorts so unable to make clear choices, With path ahead make wise choice to what is important , of value right now,  feeling a little defeated, lethargic, feel like a no win situation, taking back own power, what are you holding onto that should be finished, completed? 

Sibyls Oraculum 

Wisdom, Purpose, Play and Detachment ..

Knowledge, wisdom gained through experiences, what is my purpose today...  It is ok to relax and have some fun, detach from being too serious all the time, from making it a chore... 


A new Day- 15/10/2020

The Hoodoo Tarot With Sibyls Oraculum 

The Hoodoo Tarot 

Nine of Baskets- Gratitude.. looking at what you can be grateful for, what I have.. 

Sibyls Oraculum-Abandonment , what are the underlying issues to this ... (described in video) 

With the Question asked; What do I need to let go of?  I looked at the Negative Aspects of these cards even though 3 of them were right side up.  

Mother of Sticks, Ace of Baskets (RX) Nine of Sticks , Two of Sticks.. 

Read details from the book  ... Will add more when reflected on the message 

Sibyls Oraculum

These four cards 

Avarice, Questioning, Unity and Rhythm 

Discussed fully on the video, will write more of an overview when I have meditated on the messages as a whole. 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune