HeKate's Xing Belline Oracle Reading

18th September, 2018 ...

This is a deck I created myself and to see the whole deck and an Introduction to Belline Oracle Click Here.....

Let us delve deeper into this reading ... Remember each card is a concept .... it is not about the imagery itself but more about the keywords with each card and how they can expand,.. knowing the context with the reading is important, of value to the accuracy of the reading ....

The context LOVE With Another,......

HeKate's Xing Belline Oracle ... 

We begin by looking at the Centre card ...
And the Row it contains ....
25 Pleasures ..Because the context of the question relates to Love .. we know this can be pleasure related to feelings, to the love of another, maybe one that is sexual, because of the Card 37 Fire is right beside it bringing the possibility of Passion that is intense ..... 
On the other side of Pleasure is Treason, maybe for this moment you may feel as though this is a secret, you may be betraying another because you may not reciprocate his feelings of passion and love of the journey ... 

Now let's look at the centre Column including Pleasure ... 
It begins with 44 Chance - maybe a warning that things could get complicated, maybe this is you taking a chance on the situation ...  Knowledge brings us understanding of that risk within the pleasure of the moment ..  

There may feel as thought there has been a delay in this moment of Pleasure...but soon it feels as thought there will be no more concerns .. as there will be success overall  ...  

Diagonally Other Direction 
A Good relationship with another with passion and great pleasure, a lust for life brings a sense of Happiness overall  ... 

Summary  .. 
We see a need to take a risk, a chance on loving  one person truly from within the heart, even though you may not reciprocate the love of another , the one who you do take the risk with brings you happiness, joy and a reason to celebrate life .... brings you a sense of completeness, wholeness within .. True Passion, and fire, an intensity that is true Love .... 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


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