Page Four Minor Arcana Pentacles

 Pentacles represent Physical and Material aspects of life... 
Health, physical activity , related to the Earth element, I find it can speak of earthy pursuits, gardening, outdoors sport,  a sense of wellbeing...  Money, finances , wealth .. as well as security and obtaining material aspects of items ... 
This is an Earth Element in regards to Earth Sun Signs ...


Ace - speaks of new beginnings but also a possibility of potential coming into  fruition

Two of Swords- can speak of juggling too many things at once, needing to prioritise,  to organise and sort out what is of value ... being stretched too thin...

Three of Swords- This can be about teamwork, being recognised for your abilities, your skills and talent. Working with others on some level for some reason. 


Four of Pentacles- miser, it is traditionally thought of, this card can ask what are you holding on to and why?  Is it important for another time? In case it is needed?  Are you being reminded to put something aside, have you been to frivolous?

Five of Pentacles- poverty, being lead to comfort, being shown the way.  Who is doing the leading?

Six of Pentacles- unconditional giving, charity, doing something without expecting anything in return...


Seven of Pentacles - this card normally speaks of bringing something into fruition, What do you want to bring into your life right now? 

Eight of Pentacles- completing a task,  taking the time to finish what is important, hard working, skilled worker...

Nine of Pentacles- can be a card that reminds us of personal gain.. it is okay to take time to enjoy a little luxury, pampering... being comfortable in one's own skin so to speak ...


Ten of Pentacles- inheritance, wealth, Spiritual inheritance,  What have you inherited from your family? What have you brought from your past?

Page of Pentacles- youthful enthusiasm without the experience, studying, learning something new, bringing in a new action to own path.. facing what is important re health, wealth, security ...

Knight of Pentacles,- An earthy type character who travels a slow and steady pace to win the race- this card reminds me of the tortoise in the Hare and the Tortoise race..


Queen of Pentacles- this very earthy feminine energy can be very business orientated,  she takes a no nonsense approach when caring for others who are sick or less fortunate to herself ..
You may find she expects to be treated with gifts .... on some level ... pampering,  things she deserves to have the best of the best ...  but seems to find balance when caring for others ...

King of Pentacles- Business Man, offers new business opportunities. he is practical in his approach to business, to money and security ... You may find he is a banker or involved in money in some way ..
he is ready to do what needs to be done.. Very down to earth mature character.. Makes you feel safe and secure on your path ... within the home ... .

Now I have gone through and looked at the cards briefly ....  let me know if there is anything else that will help with learning more about this deck....   


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune