Tarot Shelves Updated

 My Shelves change when new decks arrive or I want to move things around ... 

OK  now moved into a new Temporary space  ...  

Top- Mixed Tarot and oracle I am using mainly 
then Oracle Decks ... 

Tarot Decks 

Two baskets at the top  
Tarot and Oracle decks Bagged
2nd Shelf- Tarot 
3rd Shelf - Oracle 

Boxed Sets 

Decks I want to Dive into  during this Season Fall/Winter ...

Assorted decks in bags 

Decks arrived in Tuckboxes or with no boxes ...to be bagged ...

Dark Goddess Tarot, The Magical Nordic Tarot, Oceanic Tarot, 
Herbcrafter Tarot, Tarot of the Divine, Hoodoo Tarot 

The Golden tarot (Visconti-Sforza) Tarot deck of Heroes, Primordial Tarot
Angel Tarot (Radleigh Valentine), Circle of Life Tarot 
at the back - Starman Tarot and a tarot de Marseille (Conver- Limited _ Lo  Scarabeo) 

Ciro Marchetti- Gilded Tarot Royale, Angel Tarot (Travis McHenry) Elemental Power Tarot
The Dragon Tarot by Nigel Suckling, Animal Wisdom Tarot, Chakra Wisdom Tarot 

This includes Tarot on the Left and Oracle on the Right ..

Full List of Physical Decks I have at this time 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune