The Evolutionary Tarot Minor Arcana


As we begin looking at the Wands ....

Let us begin with what do the Wands Represent?
Fire Energy-  Fire Signs Astrology...
Creative, Sexual, Ambition, Desires, Passion, Vitality ...

Ace- New Beginnings - Spark  a Thought, a breakthrough
Two- Relationships, Balance, duality, choices to be made
Three- Trials, expansion, growth .. a pause to look ahead ...


Four- Stability, Foundation - contract, marriage, celebration
Five- Battles, Conflicts, struggles Fights with others ..
Six- Harmony, success after Strife, won this battle but there may be others ..


Seven - Fortune, luck, Stand up for self and others against the larger bully...
Eight -movement, Rapid, swift movement determination, will force..
Nine- Perseverance, Attainment, Nearing completion ..


Ten- Burden, hardwork brings a sense of completion.. Opportunities offered ..

Page- Youthful energy,  looking ahead motivation, drive but yet not the experience to move ahead. Messenger ...
Knight- Movement, looking for all the information, observation needed before action taken, Traveler


Queen- Mature Woman- Friend, Nurturer, there for others when possible.
King- Mature Man- Player, Entrepreneur, Ventures are possible ...

Once you have looked at the keywords of each card ....
Now take a further look into each card ....
What characters are moving, what seem still?
What colours stand out?  What symbols in the imagery?  Think about he flower pots in the King and the Queen of Wands? What are the colours of the flowers? What do you think that means?
What is the Page doing?  Look at the people in the four of wands?  Describe the card in detail...
Continue until you feel you understand what the wands mean in a reading....



My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune