Native American Decks

This Reading included Different Decks
I used Native American Tarot, Native American Oracle and Sacred Path Cards...
in a Four Card Spread....
I share individual Thoughts for each card then an overall summary....

1) Seven of Pipes 2) 11- Crow 3) Warrior of Pipes 4) 32-Drum        


Deck : Native American Tarot
Native American Oracle
Sacred Path Card
Spread:  4 Cards Looking at this moment ....

LWB Notes
Seven of Pipes
Speaks of Battles, standing up for what is right.
What is of value to you energetically?
Spiritually it is about your battles that lie within...
LWB Notes
Warrior of Pipes
hesitation,  not sure in which direction to move.... observation...
Thinking about the direction re your ambition, job.... Which direction re your creative project?
Find your inner Freedom ...
2)Native American Oracle
LWB Notes

11 Crow

Everything that is undertaken before and after its time does not lead to anything good. Learn to recognize the moment when the fruit should be harvested.

Organisation, method, power, authority, hierarchy, respect for nature and men, gifts offered and received, harmony with the environment, life and food cadenced by regular rhythms.

4)Sacred Path Cards
LWB Notes

32 Drum
Rhythm/Internal Timing

Everything happens as it should... Are you tuned in to that perfect moment?


NAT- 7 of Pipes  + NAO- 11 Crow
We look at the inner Battles and find that moment when the changes take place...When everything has changed for the better... and we no longer need to continue the fight.. When we can acknowledge and accept what is.. When we can surrender to that moment...

NAT- Warrior of Pipes + Sacred Path Card-32 Drum
With Observation, a hesitation we find time to breathe, take a breath and find our internal beat... We find that moment we find our calmness, a moment of clarity within the situation


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune