Understanding the messages within A few of the Cards

Let us begin with the notion that  the cards are ink and paper, created by artists who wish to share a story. The Story developed over time with characters, symbols, colours. Images that allow one to open up within themselves.

These are cards that offer both positive and negative aspects of our life.  Each and every card holds both types of messages within them. 

I know there are cards like XVI The Tower and XV The Devil  that people gasp at horror and expect negative messages,  X Swords, III Swords are also images that hold people in terror,,, and because of movies  XIII Death  people  think it means Death ....Literal death.

In this post I am going to explain the positive messages of these cards.  Let us begin with XII Death...

This card only speaks of Transformations, changes, a sense of purification, Spiritual and healing. Letting go of the negative aspects of life and moving into the light (so to speak) , Moving forward as you leave behind the past.   This can be a good transformation for you at this time... 

This card yes speaks of addictions, partying hard, old habits, and patterns, over indulging... but it can also remind us that there has been old patterns we have broken away from, removed the chains that suppress us, that keep us chained to the old past... Maybe you have broken away from a relationship that was abusive, this card reminds us we have been unchained from that situation.   This shows the courage and strength you have used. 

This card reminds us that to reach enlightenment we must first have a leap of faith, break down the barriers that we feel keep us safe, take a risk.  Yes  things are shaky (like an earthquake) things are unstable, wobbly at this time, but because of our faith we will soon be able to stand on solid ground of reality. 

This card  called Betrayal ... I know it can signify a betrayal within an intimate relationship, a marriage, etc.. but also  a betrayal on any level within any relationship... it can be a warning to be careful on who we trust at this time, the people may not be who they seem...  Which can be a good thing when investing time into an idea, a project, a plan. This card can also speak of the Betrayal we hold within ourselves.. Maybe we are not being completely honest with ourselves at this time. We are holding ourselves back from not having integrity.  We are lying to ourselves about what we want.  So this can be a good thing  to look at what we truly want out of life, a time to truly understand our desires, our thoughts, our ideas. 

X Swords this card speaks of endings, not of life but of thoughts, ideas, plans. 
The Completion of a plan, everything coming together . 
This is also a great card to gather some understanding about how One thinks about what others think.  Perspective on thoughts about themselves.  Maybe at this time they feel they are being stabbed in the back but instead it is about the need for them to end that thought and understand it is only their perspective.  Allowing them to move forward, to leave behind the old ready for the new. 

Hope this explains the positive aspects of several of those cards that hold you in fear, gasp every time that come up .... What other cards fill you with terror every time they come up, maybe you are not quite seeing the full picture... 

I think the Hanged Man can be one of those card when you can't quite see things from a new angle... You can't see things from other's viewpoints... You don't quite get what you need to understand. You don't see all the options available to you at this time.  
Another way to look at this card is to ask yourself Am I Sacrificing myself at this time for others? 
What am I Sacrificing so I can not achieve what I desire? 

What other Cards hold you in Horror, that make you gasp and tremble with fear?   Maybe I can help shed some light on the situation in understanding those cards with you... 

Blessed Be....


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

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