Coffee Tarot Review

I have watched this deck grow from an idea, an inspiration bringing both Tarot and Coffee together ...
This is a journey that has developed with a spark until the fire awoken to create a deck that delivers a message that awakens the possibilities within one's own adventure of life...
This deck has imagery that tells a story about our everyday lives. These images, we can relate to as we travel through each day.
To find out more about The Journey From Janet and Ron, Please Visit Their Website  ...

Update: I have continued to  work with this deck - I absolutely love the messages that come through with the cards ...  30/05/2020  ...

Coffee Tarot 

I have featured some of the cards but to see more please see the website 
The Website  also carries Tarot Quotes from Janet that are lovely to contemplate ...
Plus so much more about  Janet & Ron including Janet's Companion Book available to be ordered..

I have began with the Major Arcana .
The Card's names have been changed ...
But yes encompass the meanings beautifully
Through Coffee, coloured cards each image shares a message that awaken's ones insight.


From the Suits 
Cards have been given the Elements as the Four Suits ...
Two to Ten ...
To see The Aces (check website )


The Artwork in the Elements give us colour, each colour in  each card can give us further information about the card's meanings. The Imagery created by Ron tells a story within each card... I love  what has been inspired from  everyday aspects.

The Court Cards ....
Page, Knight, Queen and King are  created with a certain coffee Mug in mind  and then changed with the Element Colour...
I love the way this works ....

I hope you find this deck inspirational and add it to your ever growing collection... Of Tarot Decks...
This is a must have to work with Client's in a loving way to share guidance and inspiration into their daily lives...

Thank You to Janet and Ron Boyer for allowing me to share these images with you on my Blog ....
Blessings -True Angels and an Inspiration on my Tarot Journey.....

Daily Readings with The Coffee Tarot 


  1. Thank you SO much for featuring our Coffee Tarot! We so much appreciate your kind words. :o)


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