Grand Figure of Destiny

Laying out All the cards in  A spread designed by  Etteilla ... This  can go further into depth by looking at different Websites

Now I have a round table so slightly laid out Differently  ...
Will add the Centre Cards  after I have read these Cards ...

1) Numbers 1-11 and 34-44  so in reading 1+34, This reflects the Past .....
6 of Spheres + IV The Emperor These cards speak of being in control, in harmony within material needs, physical health ....
2) 4 Swords + III Empress - Resting to create abundance in one's life
3) Dragon of Swords + Unicorn of Books -Sitting in control  to Stand strong in one's passion ...
4) Unicorn of Sword + 8 Books- Knowing the truth as things happen quickly
5)Dragon of Spheres + XV Devil - Staying Grounded While breaking away from old patterns
6)Phoenix of Books +II High Priestess- Passions awaken as secrets are revealed
7)3 Books + 1 Book- Looking ahead knowing still to be written
8)X WOF + 7 Chalices- Destiny lies in opening self  to  new abilities (clairsentient, feelings )
9)XVIII Moon + 2 Books- Reflect on What you wish, you desire....
10)VII Chariot + 1 Sphere- Focus on direction with your potential in mind ....
11) 1 Sword- With Clarity receive the inner truth 10 Books - hard work, commitment, release burdens

Now We Focus on the Present
Taking  Cards 23+45- 33+55
23) XI Justice +Unicorn of Spheres - Balance, the truth in regards to facing reality with health, physical needs
24) Griffin Books + 8 Chalices- observing energies without feeling sorry for self
25)5 Chalices + XIII Death - Don't worry about Spilled milk as you go through transformations
26)9 Spheres +10 Spheres- Taking time health wise as everything comes together
27) 9 Swords +Dragon Books- Following your inner thoughts (the light) as you awaken inner passions -, being playful, creative..
28) 7 Swords + 3 Swords- A sense of taking back because you feel betrayed  mentally ... perspective .
29)2 Chalices + XIV Temperance- Give and take balance with allowing self a little pampering
30)Griffin Swords + Lovers- be aware of rushing quickly into a union, a relationship without an understanding.
31)XII Hanged Man + 10 Chalices -Looking at all angles to create happiness
32) XIX The Sun + 8 Spheres-  Contentment through slow and steady movement
33)4 Spheres - be careful of being stagnant for too long ... XVII The Star- true self flower through into the light Dreams

Now let's look at what lies  possibly lies ahead ....
Taking Cards 12 + 66
12) 4 Books + VIII Strength - Using your will to enjoy the experience of creativity, passion, Spiritual energy...
13) 9 Books + 5+ Spheres- Not seeing things clearly as being led by another
14)XX Judgement+ Unicorn  Chalices- Awakening to bring alignment to self
15) IX Hermit + Phoenix Chalice- Solitude allows nurturing of Soul
16) 1 Magician + 4 Chalices- looking beyond illusion to what gives you Sorrow
17) 3 Chalices + 5 Swords - A love that feels binding can cause conflict within
18) Griffin of Spheres + 2 Swords - Slow and steady as masks removed, crossroads mentally
19) 5 Books + Dragon Chalices- Battles, needing protection as connecting with a gentle Man
20)8 Swords + 2 Spheres- Suppressed, bound by thoughts as choices need to be made, juggling too much at once.
21)0 The Fool- 7 Spheres- New adventures, fertility, growth healing as choosing what is ripe for now... between of rotten fruit...
22) 3 Spheres - Things being sustained, as something new is created  within life ...(health)  7 Books -Standing up for others, Mentoring ...

The Triangle 
67-78   Which I have really been unable to  Work out if they are truly important and to what positions each of the cards mean ... So I have not  laid them out  as such  ...

But Have thought of  Looking at What is important For the Next Month ... in a Square 4 Corners for each week  
Week 1)  6 Chalices+ 6 Books + Phoenix Spheres... a gift, harmony, success, victory, nurturing health
Week 2) 1 Chalice + XX1 The World + V Hierophant - over flowing love, ending of an era ,  faith, Spirituality
Week 3)Griffin of Chalice + XVI Tower + 10 Swords- Slow movement with emotions, not letting self rush, as things seem really shaky, wobbly , a moment of enlightenment as thoughts, ideas or plans end ...
Week 4) 6 Swords + 9 Chalices +Phoenix Swords-  Shifting an old idea, an old plan , leaving it behind as you understand things happen in preparation behind the scenes as  you understand, know the truth of it all....

So my adjustment of this Spread overall  ... That took a awhile ...
Now to reflect on these cards, in the specific positions and what it truly means ....
If you wish to know the specific Position meanings please see other websites for more details ..

Love to hear about your own experiences with this spread ....Certainly not a daily, weekly or even monthly spread, more like something you could do yearly, maybe even something you only do once the first time you see a client, An introduction Spread...  Several Hours later  lol 



My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune