3 card Spread Playing cards

I wanted to really learn the playing cards like the Old Romani Readers...
So I started to study ...

This is my first 3 Card Spread 
Card 1) Question /Problem
Card 2) Conflict/Challenge
Card 3) Solution

Question related To Love ...
Card 1) Jack of Diamonds
Fight with seduction in mind, Be earthy  (grounded) if you want to succeed.  ( A Warrior) (material- Physical aspects)
Card 2) 2 Clubs
Fire is attracted by love, Ultimate passionate Lover in the Universe, Move with care, His qualities are charming....   (Relationships) (passion, humour)
Card 3) 9 Spades (beginnings/Endings)
Assisting you in looking someone directly in the eyes, Learning to react Differently, being Taught by Life's lessons  ... (intellect )

So overall I feel  that I have been up in the air so to speak, a bit foggy and cloudy, with no clarity...
The Challenge is that this is unexpected, never expected to find this quality in a Lover.... and this lover has provided me with a conflict that lies within.. On many levels ...
The Solution to this is to understand what I am being taught by this at  this time...

Today 25th March, 2018  

3 card spread 
3 spades + 3 diamonds  + Jack Hearts

3 Spades
INTELLECT: This is a ‘persist, or give up’ card. You will need to use all you know about the four
elements and their ways before you know whether to do battle or surrender.
CREATIVITY/DESIRES: Air’s logic and wisdom will aid the drive here to conquer the challenges
in your life.
LOVE/INTUITION: Stay on the more witty side of Air and you won’t be swept away by something.
Lose his positive influence and you will be in for a strange ride.
FINANCE/HEALTH: Thinking before you act here will promote balance and safety. Do not expend
energy digging a hole. It might just get bigger.

3 Diamonds
INTELLECT: Underneath it all, you care, but when those niggly things happen in everyday life do not forget to care for yourself too. Be sensible about this.
CREATIVITY/DESIRES: Challenges come; challenges go. Your creative life is often challenged;
call upon Earth’s patience to help you, and you will see those smaller trials and tests melting away.
LOVE/INTUITION: It is easy to follow a moonbeam, but do not follow it for too long or you could
find yourself slipping down into a hole. Just keep your power.
FINANCE/HEALTH: You are certain to overcome an obstacle in life with Earth’s grandmotherly
influence. You need to care for yourself; that is all. Do this and mean it.

Jack Hearts
Jack the Hero Hearts
INTELLECT: There may be a reason why you need to fight for something now. Make sure you use
imaginative power to back up your strategies.
CREATIVITY/DESIRES: Use your imagination to help with assertiveness, and you will create the
necessary atmosphere in which to find more self-belief.
LOVE/INTUITION: Champion your dreams and sensuality with all the guts you can muster. Water
helps those who are willing to let go.
FINANCE/HEALTH: You are under no threat. Be yourself and you can ask Jack to help you and you
are sure to turn a dream into reality.

3's  3: trials, tests and overcoming problems


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune