Introduction of The Halo/Sharp Cards

These cards are no longer the Old Major Arcana but something quite unique and interesting  ...
With the meanings I am not going to focus on the Old meanings but the New Messages from these cards ....
To Know more about this set and the  workbooks ... Check out  The Lightening Path 
Heal, Awaken and Activate .....

Todays' Card 
24th March, 2018 ...

This card  speaks to me of new hope, new dreams coming from within... 

From the Book 
He speaks of a return to innocence and Divinity, an acknowledgment of the sacrifice, your suffering and your pain.  A recognition for all the work you have already done. The return to the Source, to innocence, and to true Spiritual Power and Glory. 

This card speaks of The Changes within are permanent. As there is a completion of a phase or stage of awakening.  Insights are consolidated as things come together.  Even though there is still things to accomplish, you should be proud of what you have already achieved.  

18th July, 2018 

My Thoughts

Looking at this card  I find myself thinking about my health and my body and my mind ... This card reminds us to not just look at our physical Body but also our mind, our thoughts, our perceptions... 
our emotions, our feelings, our beliefs and our faith.... Are we totally in Alignment with what we think and how we are physically?  Do our actions reflect our thoughts?   In meditation, reflection, contemplation do we reflect with integrity, with honesty within ourselves.. 

Alignment (LWB) 

Key Phrase: Truth, responsibility, atonement.

Symbolism: An abstract representation of alignment. A sword, balanced on either side by force and formation (yang and yin). A key offered to you by Jupiter, the planet of alignment. Not the sword of judgment, but the sword of alignment. The key to the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of high Consciousness, which is Truth, responsibility, love, and atonement.

Narrative: This card teaches us the key to forward movement, activation, and graduation, which is alignment with our highest Self. Always remember, the physical unit is merely a vehicle for the Divine Sun of your Self. To move forward, align the thoughts and actions of your physical unit with your perfect, highest Self.

At the highest level, this is perfect alignment with Self, perfect alignment with the Consciousness of God, or the active pursuit thereof. Listen carefully. Alignment is not an onerous chore. Alignment does not bring pain, suffering, darkness, and disconnection. Alignment brings power, peace, joy, and the highest possible connection.

At mundane levels, this is healing and repair of the physical body. We put aside hypocrisy and self-delusion. We align our actions with our own best intentions. We breathe deep and joyfully atone for past “sin.” Focused on the manifestation of the promise, we fix that which is broken in this world and ourselves.

Present in an assessment upright, this represents the urge and drive to align, to move forward, clear up the issues, line up the pieces, and make the necessary changes (change jobs, direction, friends, etc.). You know who you are, you know why you are here, and you know what you need to do. Take action and align.

Card reversed and/or negatively aligned, this is fear, resistance, and failure to take responsibility. Powerful new energies flow, but you remain trapped in dysfunction. You resist accountability. You deny your actions and pretend you are without sin. You embrace the great delusion. You fail to take action and align. You feel a painful burn rising inside.

Alignments indicate supports that help us face the truth and align behaviors, or resistances that encourage misalignment and disjuncture. Positive alignments indicate accountability, responsibility, and gathering support. We do not deny our sins, hide our mistakes, or make up excuses. We take responsibility, embrace error, fix what is broken, and return ourselves to alignment. Negative alignments indicate internal and external resistance to alignment. Enablers spin their toxic webs around us. Those who benefit from our servitude subvert and oppress. Judgment and shame keep us down. Emotional and psychological pressure to align and move forward builds.

For the truly woke, judgment and condemnation are passé. It is not about commandments, rules, or following orders. It is not about morality or divine assessment. It is not about enduring punishment. It is about aligning with highest Self, fully manifesting Divine vision, and being who you came here to be. To get from there to here, simply take responsibility. Put aside self-delusion, fix what you have broken, align with your highest Self, and take your place among the empowered family of spirit.


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune