Updated Blog, Dispel Myths.. Describe Tarot etc...

After checking online and reading through some of the tweets in Twitter I thought I may answer some of the queries that seem to be circulating ....
I may have already answered some of these in other posts but thought I might bring them together here ....

Tarot Cards- Ink and paper created by an artist, used by a Reader to connect with Higher Self to answer questions related to the past, present and what may happen in the future...

A Reader  can be of any faith or belief... Tarot Readers are not exclusively into Witchcraft, They can be Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Pagan (of any of the variety ) ...There is not  a set Religion when it comes to working with Tarot ...

A Reader  may use the cards in a variety of ways.... A reader may read the Tarot to be only predictive, a Reader may work with Tarot to gather insight into a current situation at this time, maybe they will look at the past and in how it effects you now?  A Tarot Reader may use Tarot by looking the symbols and the colours, in the cards and how it may relate to your life. A reader may use the traditional Tarot meanings for each card.. A reader may use their intuition to read the cards or they may use their other abilities to connect with the messages by using the cards as a tool to access their Clairvoyance or Mediumship abilities... Each Reader reads differently, there is no right or wrong way to work with Tarot .  Some use Tarot as a Meditation Tool, reflection and in contemplation.

Choose what works for you... 

A deck is best when purchased by yourself.. Find images that resonate for you... Usually suggested a Rider Waite Smith Or  a RWS Clone is the best type of deck to start with ..It does not have to be gifted ...

Rider Waite Smith Decks were first designed by Pamela Coleman Smith, Pamela was commissioned by Arthur Edward Waite in the early 1900s to design a Tarot deck that included illustrated Minor Arcana Cards . Arthur was a mystic, scholar and member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
You will find many Tarot Books and decks based on this design of deck, the Symbolism and understanding of each card is covered in many Tarot Courses, websites, Blogs etc.... that can be easily added to your own learning....

Other Types of Tarot Decks may use other Systems and meanings for each card .... They include  Decks traditionally from the early 1300s.... approx, as they appeared in Europe, Italy, Spain and France ....  Playing cards  originally transformed into Chalice, Batons, Disks and Swords  and slowly other decks changed the Suits to Cups, Wands, Pentacles and Swords ... The Decks that traditionally have what we call non-illustrated pips have several titles,  Tarot de  Marseilles, The Spanish Tarot,  1JJ Swiss Tarot are a few to name Follow this...

The Last method I will discuss here is Thoth Tarot--- This is an advanced Tarot Deck that includes many aspects related to Astrology and Kabbalah  (even though some readers will include that info with other Tarot decks not related to Thoth) .... Thoth Tarot created by Aleister Crowley  and illustrated by Lady Freida Harris was considered Disturbing because of its approach to tarot through Alchemy.  Aleister Crowley had joined the OGD in 1898 but fell out with them so formed his own  Silver Star Argenteum Astrum in 1905.  Thoth Tarot was very detailed therefore very complex ...It included the Doctrine of Gebelin and Ettellia.  The Title was " The Book of Thoth "
This is not a beginner's Tarot Deck... there are Artists who have based their own decks on this system....that I love working with ....

The  22 Major Arcana and with the 56 Minor Arcana split into four suits that connect with the Four Elements ....  Do not work the same as the Ouija Board- (Do not touch an Ouija Board unless you truly know how to work with Spirit in a loving and Higher Vibration...)
Tarot cards are not Normally used in any way to connect with Spirit or any entity.  They are used to connect with your own vibration or the vibration, the energy, The Higher Self of the Querant (Person you are reading for)  The answers lie in the past, the present and what may be possible within the future . You are not opening any Doorway to the Spirit Realm with the cards.. You are solely working within this Realm.  There may be readers who specialize in Working within other Realms, Other Worlds, but that is because of personal training maybe by another Mentor, a Shaman. A Wiccan ...  A Witch , A Reiki Master, A Healer etc.... They may or may not use cards in their work...

I have talked about the different systems within Tarot, The way they can be worked with by different Readers who are of different faiths  and in different ways .  The Decks do not have be gifted but can be purchased by the person working with the deck.  

Cards can be laid out in different spreads, some spreads are specific in their layout while others are more freestyle by the Reader.. Some spreads will answer specific questions.. Spreads can be from a Daily Card  to working with the Whole deck when you look at the Past, present and future, looking at a variety of areas of your life ...  Some Spreads seem quite simple while other spreads can get quite complicated....

To Learn Tarot - Start with understanding the Basic Keywords... Then begin to use your intuition by looking at what is of value within the card, what stands out, colours, symbols, characters etc.. what feelings do you get .. Write everything down in a Journal ... Draw a card daily with a question in mind ...and write what you can about that card in it's context of the question..... once you have a basic understanding of a few of the cards, increase the cards you use to develop further understanding of how the cards can merge together to make a sentence .. Start with two cards, then three, then four .. Do not ask the same question on the same topic over and over, eventually it becomes confusing.... Accept the  cards you first get even if you do not agree or like the answer.  There are many different Mentors that can assist you on your journey , even after 20+ years I am still learning .... look at other blogs and sites, check out youtube,  look at daily posts by other readers and their thoughts on the cards... Look at a variety of decks ....See the similarities and the differences....

 Love the Journey of discovery .... 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


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